Sunday, August 14, 2011

X = 'Xplore SlideShare #GETABC

X is for 'Xplore SlideShare

(GTG's #GETABC Series = Green, Education, & Tech*)

X is a hard bargain. So, we're fudging a little bit. But, it's all good. is another endless place of goodies to "eXplore." Here, you've got uploaded powerpoints and documents on just about any subject you'd want.

A SlideShare search of "environment" or "green" gets you almost too many to even sort through. But choice is good (not to mention an exercise in getting specific with your search).  Plus, it is an excellent way to NOT have to reinvent the wheel when you are starting out attempting to make some kind of teaching presentation on a topic. I've found presentations, and then I've tweaked them to suit my needs or grade level--which takes a fraction of the time that doing it from scratch would take.  Use SlideShare to upload your own presentations you wish to share, or hunt to your hearts desire on whatever topic tickles your fancy!

Here are 3 eco-friendly presentations I've made in the past....perhaps they're just what you're looking for, or perhaps they'll serve as inspiration of what you can do with SlideShare!

See also some of my other uses of SlideShare at E = 8 Ways to Explore Endangered Animals @ ARKive  and Q = QR Codes.

Letter X from SlideShare logo from

Note: In an attempt to meld my pursuits of green, education, and technology, "GET" and this ABC series did my twitter thread #GETABC. To see the inception of #GETABCGTG's True Confessions & Whirling Dervishes.

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