Thursday, August 4, 2011

O = Ollie's World #GETABC

O is for Ollie Recycles

(GTG's  #GETABC Series = Green, Education, & Tech*)

"Ollie's World" is a l'il online mecca belonging to a li'l fella named Ollie who is dedicated to sustainability.  There's an "Adult section" and a "Kids section" of Ollie's World. In the Adults' World of Olllie's World, you'll find the educational rational for the activities, information for teachers, and more. In the Kids' World of Ollie's World, you'll find activities to emphasize the 4 R's:  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rethink...especially how they apply to waste, water, energy, air, and biodiversity.  Ollie's World promotes itself as "Sustainability 'Edutainment' Program"

In Ollie's World, you can find:

Ollie's Island ~ "Looking at where stuff comes from, how we use it, and how this affects our world."
You have to access it at through the "Australia" link as the USA link is still "coming soon." You'll find adventures/episodes to watch, online games to play--all centered around helping the environment.
Ollie Saves the Planet ~ "Join Ollie to REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE, and RETHINK what you do with waste, water, energy, air, and biodiversity--under the principle of Sustainability."
Enter the Clubhouse to do games and puzzles, go to ActionTown to see their major backers/supporters and learn more, check out the projects of the month, or read the latest Ollie News.
Ollie Recycles
Check out the UK or Australian sites for recycle-oriented activities.

There's also an Educator's Section with extra information about Ollie's World, as well as the merits of environmental education. 

It's always good for kids to have a little fun while they're learning!  Ollie will help you do that!

O picture from; Olllie's World from the above listed webpages.

Note:  In an attempt to meld my pursuits of green, education, and technology, "GET" and this ABC series did my twitter thread #GETABC.  To see the inception of #GETABC and give yourself a tidbit of background, go to GTG's True Confessions & Whirling Dervishes.

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