Sunday, August 7, 2011

R = Reduce, Reuse, Recycle #GETABC

R is for Reduce,
Reuse, Recycle Reources

(GTG's  #GETABC Series = Green, E ducation, & Tech*)

What else would R = but the 3 R's?  A YouTube search of these 3 R's would give you one of a many videos like the above.

When researching the 3R's, another great find is KATE: "Kentucky Academy of Technology Education." KATE works as a storehouse of K-12 technology practices, not only for teachers & students alike in the state of Kentucky, but gloablly as well.

As a lovely accompaniment, there's also TICK: "Technology In Classrooms of Kentucky," which was built and maintained by KATE, to house lesson plans, activities, and other classroom resources.  With over 3,600 listed units, lessons, files, and more, you're no where near a loss.

So the question might be, what does R have to do with KATE & TICK?  Well, again, with 3,600 resources, it's no surprise there are going to be several that are mean and green and revolve around the 3 R's.

One of my my favorite TICK quotes from their website: 
"TICK provides a single-point of access for resources specifically applicable to Kentucky educators. For example, a Google search on a topic such as fractions returns over 11 million hits, while a TICK search will only return a list with applicable instructional resources.
Some great TICK resources on our 3 R's:

--Reduce, Reuse, & Recycling--Smartboard Activity

--Keyword search of Activities for ENVIRONMENT  (58 results listed)

--Keyword Search of activities for REDUCE  (17 results listed)

--Keyword Search of activities for RECYCLE   (16 results listed)

Go Kentucky!  Let's hear it for TICK & KATE!!

Letter R pic from:; Logos from above-mentioned websites.

Note:  In an attempt to meld my pursuits of green, education, and technology, "GET" and this ABC series did my twitter thread #GETABC.  To see the inception of #GETABC and give yourself a tidbit of background, go to GTG's True Confessions & Whirling Dervishes.

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