We're now in the after hours of Earth Hour 2015. At my house, we turned out the lights and played a riveting game of family "Apples to Apples" by candlelight.
A former teaching colleague of mine in Annapolis had an adult gathering with friends at her house, and embarked on a cookie baking & decorating spree amidst dim lighting to celebrate Earth Hour. As you can tell, there's a definite pro-go-eco theme as they were armed with icing, creating concoctions that look too good to eat!
A third grade buddy of mine was inspired to write an acrostic to share the news and word of what Earth Hour is all about.
Global landmarks went dark. Countries broke records. And already, the 10th annual event for 2016 is set. March 19th, 2016, from 8:30--9:30 will be the day, or shall we say 'the night.' The night to do it up right, and use your hour for power.
To learn more, about this year and next year's Earth Hour, go straight to the source! And don't worry. If you missed Earth Hour this year, while you are waiting for next year's, you can practice by doing your own personal celebration, honoring the Earth, one light off at a time!
All photos taken from my friends' & family's Earth Day-inspired handiwork!
Monday, March 30, 2015
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Earth Hour: TONIGHT, 8:30--9:30 pm, Lights Out, Your Time Zone
Today's the day. Earth Hour has begun in certain time zones. You can go and check out the "Earth Day Live" pics on their website to see it as it unfolds!
If you're still looking for ways to celebrate and be part of the hour long dark "wave" of activism in your time zone between 8:30--9:30 pm tonight, check out the list below. You'll be in good company with over 7000+ cities, 160 countries, historic buildings, and global landmarks world wide have committing to this small symbolic act, unifying a dedication toward building a healthier planet.
Some ways ways to celebrate Earth Hour this Saturday night:
1. Sit on the coach by the fireplace with a good book or loved one.
2. Go "tech free" and unplug, opting for quality family time by candlelight. (Yes, this coming from the Tech Specialist!)
3. Play board games by candlelight or flashlight.
4. Play backyard games with your kids like Ghosts in the Graveyard, Flashlight Tag, or Hide & Seek.
5. Build a backyard bonfire & toast your toes &/or marshmallows.
6. Go on a night hike.
7. Go camping in your back yard.
8. Enjoy the start of spring by stargazing.
9. Donate to one of Earth Hour's environmental crowdsourcing projects.
10. Use it as an opportunity to teach your loved ones that small gestures & actions can indeed lead to being a part of something bigger.
Earth Hour Screen shot from http://www.earthhour.org/about-us ; Earth Hour "You + Lights Out" image from http://coolimages4free.com/earth-hour-background-and-history/
Earth Hour
energy conservation
environmental days
human impact
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Earth Hour is Coming: Saturday, March 28, 8:30--9:30 pm
It's coming! Earth Hour, that is. In our mega month of environmental "days," Earth Hour is one of my favorites! With days-only to go, be sure to set aside an hour of darkness for this Saturday night, March 28th, for 8:30--9:30 pm in your time zone.
Here's a historic infographic I created over at Easel.ly to showcase Earth Hour's growth over the last 9 years! It shows what once started small, in one country, can grow and become a total movement toward change!
Here's a historic infographic I created over at Easel.ly to showcase Earth Hour's growth over the last 9 years! It shows what once started small, in one country, can grow and become a total movement toward change!
Earth Hour
energy conservation
environmental days
human impact
Sunday, March 22, 2015
#WaterIs....Today! Celebrate World Water Day 2015
Wrapping up my series on World Water Day, it only seems fitting to end ON World Water Day.
Given some of my last entries have felt heavy-handed on the "doom and gloom" of the severity of the situation, it seemed like a natural place to end looking at what you can indeed do to conserve water and make a difference!
Watch or track your water intake today.
Or think about how far that water could go for those who don't have it.
Really think about what you can do to reduce your usage.
Limit your bottled water intake, which also wastes plastic.
Donate to a charity like Plan International USA that give gifts of water.
Watch the 21 sH20rts 2015 films.
Also check out the Walk4Wells & Water videos.
Take it to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or other Social Media:
Embrace the Hashtag: #WaterIs, #WalkForWater, or #WorldWaterDay
Remind the people in your house that water is a limited resource.
Dive into the 5 Gallon Challenge. Can you live on only 5 gallons? That's the
Amount recommended for healthy & hydrated living a day.
You can do it. If we all cut back a little, we'd save a lot!
World Water Day banner from http://www.unwater.org/fileadmin/user_upload/worldwaterday2015/docs/468x60.jpg;
Today is World Water Day image from http://www.wheniscalendars.com/tag/world-water-day-2015-date/
Given some of my last entries have felt heavy-handed on the "doom and gloom" of the severity of the situation, it seemed like a natural place to end looking at what you can indeed do to conserve water and make a difference!
Watch or track your water intake today.
Or think about how far that water could go for those who don't have it.
Really think about what you can do to reduce your usage.
Limit your bottled water intake, which also wastes plastic.
Donate to a charity like Plan International USA that give gifts of water.
Watch the 21 sH20rts 2015 films.
Also check out the Walk4Wells & Water videos.
Take it to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or other Social Media:
Embrace the Hashtag: #WaterIs, #WalkForWater, or #WorldWaterDay
Remind the people in your house that water is a limited resource.
Dive into the 5 Gallon Challenge. Can you live on only 5 gallons? That's the
Amount recommended for healthy & hydrated living a day.
You can do it. If we all cut back a little, we'd save a lot!
World Water Day banner from http://www.unwater.org/fileadmin/user_upload/worldwaterday2015/docs/468x60.jpg;
Today is World Water Day image from http://www.wheniscalendars.com/tag/world-water-day-2015-date/
7 billion
bottled water
World Water Day
Thursday, March 19, 2015
#WaterIs...In Global Crisis

The infographic below, created by Seametrics back in 2012, is still just as current today. (Interestingly, it was shared on MindBodyGreen on Oct. 31st, 2012--a year [to the date] after the United Nations declared world population hit 7 billion). The demand for water continues to grow. If we don't all stand up and take notice, we're going to find ourselves indeed in a Global Water Crisis!
World Water Day logo from http://www.unwater.org/
Infographic found at http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-6735/What-You-Need-to-Know-About-the-Worlds-Water-Infographic.html
7 billion
human impact
water conservation
World Water Day
Monday, March 16, 2015
#WaterIs...Everywhere, But Not Everywhere

Here in this continuing series on World Water Day 2015, we turn to Christiana Z. Peppard. In her TED-ED lesson "Where We Get Our Fresh Water" she has a video just over 3.5 minutes that sums up the limited yet valuable resource of water. She includes some post-video questions for your students to ponder, as well as some additional links in her "Dig Deeper" section.
Video from http://ed.ted.com/lessons/where-we-get-our-fresh-water-christiana-z-peppard#digdeeper
World Water Day logo from http://www.unwater.org/worldwaterday/
World Water Day logo from http://www.unwater.org/worldwaterday/
7 billion
human impact
online resources
rain barrels
World Water Day
Friday, March 13, 2015
#WaterIs....A Limited Supply!
Water is the one thing that truly makes the world go 'round. Just as you don't fully get to see the way the wind blows, you miss the way the water flows, until it goes!
Here's an interesting infographic investagation on the "First World Problems" of bottled water. A great infographic to ponder this World Water Day week!
Image from https://www.plumber24hours.co.uk/water-information.html
7 billion
human impact
water conservation
World Water Day
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
#WaterIs: World Water Day: March 22, 2015
World Water Day is annually every March 22nd. Sponsored by the United Nations, this day is a day of emphasizing the importance of clean water on our global community. The UN's overriding theme is "Water Is." What is water? All these things, straight from their website:

Water is health.
Water is nature.
Water is urbanization.
Water is industry.
Water is energy.
Water is food.
Water is equality.
Water is at the heart of our global sustainability.
To learn more about the vital importance of water on all 7 of these levels, go to the UN World Water Day Learn page. You will certainly be struck by some significant statistics as you read this page, from how much water it takes to...
Image from https://www.facebook.com/unwater,

Water is health.
Water is nature.
Water is urbanization.
Water is industry.
Water is energy.
Water is food.
Water is equality.
Water is at the heart of our global sustainability.
To learn more about the vital importance of water on all 7 of these levels, go to the UN World Water Day Learn page. You will certainly be struck by some significant statistics as you read this page, from how much water it takes to...
- produce plastic (some of which sadly returns back to our water ways as marine debris that never deteriorates),
- raise beef cattle,
- meet the global water demand for manufacturing.
You'll also see the number...
- and percentage of people who live in cities,
- of people who do not have access to clean water,
- of hours a day women in developing countries spend retrieving fresh water for their family.
Think consciously this week, leading up to World Water Day!
What can you do to make good choices to conserve water?
Image from https://www.facebook.com/unwater,
7 billion
bottled water
human impact
online resources
water conservation
World Water Day
Friday, March 6, 2015
It's Coming: Earth Hour 2015
It's coming and it's just a few short weeks from now.
Here for the 9th year in a row, it's Earth Hour 2015!
Mark your calendar and watch the video to learn more:
Saturday, March 28, 2015 8:30--9:30 pm
Turn off your lights in your time zone to be a part of
the global movement for sustainability.
To learn more, go to EarthHour.org
video from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxIMib4e8f8
alternative energy
climate change
Earth Hour
energy conservation
human impact
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
World Wildlife Day: March 3rd Every Year

"Let us use the 3rd of March as one day we come together to commit to working more actively in the year ahead to combat illegal trade in wildlife and also to create the space and also the understanding for the future of wildlife to thrive." ~ Quote by Mr. Achim Steiner, United Nations Under-Secretary General, Executive Director in the UN video explaining World Wildlife Day.For a list of resources to use in your classrooms or with your children at home, check out these wonderful wildlife conservation websites:
- ARKive
- Field Trip Earth
- Global Wildlife Center:
- National Wildlife Federation
- Project Wild
- Smithsonian National Zoological Park: Conservation Central

Videos from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_V8DbbqKYDQ and http://www.wildlifeday.org/key-messages
Logo from http://www.wildlifeday.org/content/outreach-material
Social Media image from http://www.wildlifeday.org/content/social-media-images
environmental days
human impact
Sunday, March 1, 2015
March Is an Eco-Mecca
March is a mecca of global eco events. In the upcoming weeks, I'll be focusing on some of these eco-days. But in the mean time, take some time and mark your calendar!
World Wildlife Day
Tuesday, March 3
Goal: To value & protect all animals & plants, especially those that are endangered
Daylight Saving Time
Sunday, March 8th
Turn Clocks ahead 1 hour
International Day of Actions for Rivers
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Goal: To protect and cleanse our rivers, and celebrate river restoration

World Consumer Rights Day
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Goal: To raise global awareness of our rights as consumers

First Day of Spring
Friday, March 20
World Water Day
Sunday, March 22
Goal: To celebrate the vital resource that water is, and promote its multi-faceted role in our sustainability.

Earth Hour
Saturday, March 28th, 2015
8:30--9:30 pm in your time zone
Goal: To turn off your lights for an hour to be part of a global "wave" of movement in support of a multitude of environmental issues.
World Wildlife Day image from http://www.dailynews.lk/?q=local/world-wildlife-day-march-3
World Water day image from http://www.unwater.org/worldwaterday
Daylight Saving time image from http://www.roswellstreet.com/announcements/daylight-savings-time-begins,
1st day of spring http://clipartmountain.com/clip8/firstspring1.htm,
World Consumer Day image from http://www.consumersinternational.org/our-work/wcrd/
International Day of Rivers image from http://www.internationalrivers.org/international-day-of-action-for-rivers
Earth Hour image from http://www.earthhour.org/
Tuesday, March 3
Goal: To value & protect all animals & plants, especially those that are endangered
Daylight Saving Time
Sunday, March 8th
Turn Clocks ahead 1 hour
International Day of Actions for Rivers
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Goal: To protect and cleanse our rivers, and celebrate river restoration

World Consumer Rights Day
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Goal: To raise global awareness of our rights as consumers

First Day of Spring
Friday, March 20
World Water Day
Sunday, March 22
Goal: To celebrate the vital resource that water is, and promote its multi-faceted role in our sustainability.

Earth Hour
Saturday, March 28th, 2015
8:30--9:30 pm in your time zone
Goal: To turn off your lights for an hour to be part of a global "wave" of movement in support of a multitude of environmental issues.
World Wildlife Day image from http://www.dailynews.lk/?q=local/world-wildlife-day-march-3
World Water day image from http://www.unwater.org/worldwaterday
Daylight Saving time image from http://www.roswellstreet.com/announcements/daylight-savings-time-begins,
1st day of spring http://clipartmountain.com/clip8/firstspring1.htm,
World Consumer Day image from http://www.consumersinternational.org/our-work/wcrd/
International Day of Rivers image from http://www.internationalrivers.org/international-day-of-action-for-rivers
Earth Hour image from http://www.earthhour.org/
Earth Hour
environmental days
World Water Day
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