3+ years ago when we re-did our kitchen, we opted for a big recycle bin in the pull-out cabinetry and a little secondary compost bin behind that because at the time, we had backyard composting. Well, in those three years, we decided that we didn't like backyard critters who had outsmarted our composting system and the recycling rules of our county changed. They used to promote the "when in doubt, throw it out (into your recycle bin)" and they'd take it from there. So we went from recycled a majority of our household waste to having to create space for a trash bin under the sink and to stop putting our recycling in a plastic trash bag.

To learn more, check out PlasticFilmRecycling.org.
Video from https://www.facebook.com/askHRgreen/?__tn__=kC-R&eid=ARBPrHchSyoa287R2npE8T_9eJcxM0pxmTdIrscgJ0k0D5Q40ihN2-7qP0GsaMj-Y95T9jvfknEqEc_I&hc_ref=ARTAI2iwSKyAJtoc_NHdTvNEp9gWx3v6wNTwQvOvRHg0tkfc-FILitjgkjulKgvAMZg&fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARBQMM6TLo91Ew8EA9frxPT8FFZoWG77Si5EtLwjzqnGXAQan7gm9GE4iQioVLHfYFEIAlsbUplTd0NQTMXmWbKJFUDr8RXKPiG_vjOIJOD3yaGejas5q5Iatgjcc5-W0YGpmZv86S7N--yDXFyt-Y8lV2rwnJbvHwrjVDlz2VuTT_h__p60yLIrSutWDo6VU7SLnb11SJRqRlJyYCJ_rNG2VvR28C_fA3aLgR9V1QQ-DHhehODwiPQGSLoMYcz7E9LF-w-1FC14JlKeaZs5IUyROMsrIgyUt3FSX0RgPcO8ogdnZWV_3diUcWMteeEaSjPAoRIRaDbaiCMk6gWrCeIgJe50ezidZEkEXmPf9RPqlJqPvVVytnJZh00