Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Time Magazine's Person of the Year: Greta Thunberg

It seems rather fitting that 20 years ago Time Magazine changed their annual designation from "Man of the Year" to "Person of the Year." We've come a long way since 1927 (which went to Charles Lindbergh). Greta Thunberg won this year's recognition as the "person, group, idea, or thing that, for better or worse... has done the most to influence the events of the year." She also is the youngest person ever to achieve this honor. Her dedication for the planet via her activism, speeches, and climate strikes is notable, and she is the first environmentalist to be named as such--with the exception of The Endangered Earth who won 1988's Planet of the Year. Time has two exceptional links about Greta & why she was chosen for Person of the Year.

This year when I was crafting my Christmas Wish List, I discovered that Greta was the inspiration for a number of environmental books for kids of all ages. May this list come in handy if you are looking for any last minute holiday gifts or environmental reads for 2020.

--No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference (Nov. 2019) by Greta Thunberg
Authored by Greta herself.

--Our House Is on Fire: Scenes of a Family and a Planet in Crisis (coming out March 10, 2020) by Greta Thunberg, Svante Thunberg, Malena Ernman, and Beata Ernman
The family story of Greta and her parents Svante & Malena, and her sister Beata and how they dealt with Greta's Asperger's syndrome and rising environmental activism.

--Greta Thunberg and Climate Change (Sept. 2019) by Robert Bonaparte
A 42-page book that is heavy on the science of climate change.

--Greta's Story: The Schoolgirl Who Went On Strike To Save The Planet (due out June 2, 2020) by Valentina Camerini
A chapter book for 3rd-7th graders.

--Our House Is on Fire: Greta Thunberg's Call to Save the Planet (Sept. 2019) by Jeanette Winter
A picture book for ages Preschool to 3rd graders.

--We Are All Greta: Be Inspired by Greta Thunberg to Save the World (Sept 2019) by Valentina Giannella
From Amazon: "this is a book for young people, for parents, for grandparents and anyone having to answer direct and urgent questions about what must be done to protect our world."

--Greta and the Giants: Inspired by Greta Thunberg's Stand to Save the World (Nov. 2019) by ZoĆ« Tucker
A picture book for ages Preschool to 2nd graders.

--The Greta Thunberg Story: Being Different is a Superpower (Sept. 2019) by Michael Part
A book geared for kids and adults alike.

--The Book of Gutsy Women: Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience (Oct. 2019) by Hillary Rodham Clinton & Chelsea Clinton
This is the only book on the list that I've currently read.. and it's the one on my nightstand that I am still reading. Greta is one of the 8 environmentalists who are in the "Earth Defender" chapter.

May these books and Greta Thunberg's recognition help to continue to bring greater awareness and momentum to the fact that #ClimateChangeIsReal.

Time magazine cover from; All book images from the associated links at

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