Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Greta Thunburg

I saw this drawing on Facebook and I was haunted by it.
The artist: Rick Frausto and it is part of his Visual Activism series. He's got a number of drawings where he has included quotes that make you think. You can find and purchase many of his pieces from that series (as well as some of his other works) here

His philosophy: 
"My process is about change, growth, discovery, transformation, and continuously expanding my vision of what is possible. Through my work, I strive to contribute to a shift in consciousness that leans towards a more balanced, harmonious and awakened world."
This particular drawing of his, of Greta Thunberg, reminded me of another image: Time Magazine's May 27, 2019 cover of Greta.

This 16-year-old Swedish activist has become a quietly outspoken symbol, addressing the importance of climate change to the world. What started as her own personal Friday school strikes to share her message at the age of 15, which led to Fridays for Future, and ultimately brought about the mid-March Youth Climate March. It's estimated that 1.4 million people took park in that in well over 100 countries. She has spoken to the United Nations COP24 Climate Summit in December 2018, and she's a Nobel Peace Prize nominee. She's somewhat reminiscent of 13-year-old Severn Cullis-Suzuki and her speech at the Rio Summit in 1992.

It's worth hearing from Greta in her own words, and crossing our fingers that she becomes the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner this October 11th!

Image from and
Videos from and

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