Saturday, October 19, 2024

Climate Change Course Comes to College

According to the Education Data Initiative's website, approximately 19 million people went to college this fall in some capacity: full or part time, freshman through senior. undergraduate or graduate status. 

As a parent of "big kids," I know a few of those 19 million people.

The purpose of college follows this quote of Oprah Winfrey:
“Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.” 
  • Education is a lantern that lights up our mind, illuminating knowledge. 
  • It's a compass that guides us to navigate through fact, fiction, mis- and disinformation, understanding, and perspective. 
  • College is a bridge to new ideas, an avenue to insight, and a doorway to the future. 
This year, one college is opening that door even further for their new first-year students. UC San Diego has added the Jane Teranes Climate Change Education Requirement. This new course requirement was named for a long time professor of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in November of 2023.

Beginning this fall, student schedules over their college tenure will need to have a one-quarter class on the subject of climate change. (UC San Diego runs on a quarter system.) Students have a choice of selecting one of many classes from a range of many cross-disciplinary options. Why? Being a school that has had long ties to climate research, UC San Diego and its administration solidified this commitment to broaden global awareness and create a mindset of environmental problem solvers. This change in their college requirements does not affect the total number of requirements as this class will overlap with the current general education/diversity requirements.

Click here to see the approved courses, nearly 50 classes ranging from Climate Justice, Religion & Ecology, Climate Ethics, Ocean Studies, Literature and the environment, and more.

Imagine a world where 19 million people heightened their awareness by taking a class in eco-stewardship.  Think about where we our world would be.

If this has gotten you curious to expand your own climate change knowledge, check out UC San Diego's Scripps Institute of Oceanography Climate Change Resources page.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

25 years

I recently celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary. Here's a condensed version of what I shared among friends regarding this milestone...

25: What a weird number when you start looking at it in the context of your life. Mainly--How are we "that" old? How have we been with ONE person "that" long? I mean, seriously, we don't feel that old! 

25: That's XXV in Roman Numerals, 5 squared, two & a half dozen, the sum of the first five consecutive odd natural numbers: 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9, & a quarter of a century. (Back to that weird number thing.)

Looking back... 
...We have seen a hurricane reroute our wedding in 24-hour window, followed up by a flight-induced sinus infection which sidetracked our honeymoon. A layover, an ER trip, and steroids got us back on track to our desired honeymoon destination.

....We wrestled the roller coaster ride of having a premature baby 8 weeks early at 32 weeks versus the typical 40. During my 2-week hospital hangout prior to our wee one's arrival, I attended my brother's wedding by phone, long before Zoom days. Then 6 days later we welcomed a very tiny baby at a whopping 3 lb 1.3 oz. I came home first, then our wee one stayed in the NICU for 5 weeks, but grew solid, strong, and healthy, and we all never looked back.

....We welcomed Baby #2 into our family 3 years later, who always kept us on our toes when young. Now, that one is on the cusp of adulthood, tackling college, serious-minded, working hard, and pointed toward their own goals.

In these 25 years, we...
  • have lived in 2 different states with at least 6 addresses to call home;
  • have had 6-7 jobs between us, owned a handful of cars, & had 3 crazy canines;
  • survived surgeries and replacement parts and are both officially "new and improved;"
  • made lifelong friendships, lost loved ones, and grown stronger together in so many ways;
  • endured all the parts of parenting: taking family vacations, watching countless soccer/sport games/kid concerts/more, tackling intensive homework projects, teaching kids to drive, getting wisdom teeth out, watching our kids walk high school graduation stages, and the list goes on.

9,131 days is a lot of days!

In thinking about 25 years of "my" days, I mentally shifted to what else has changed in these 25 years of days. Newsworthy events which will make the history books. We've seen...
  • The Y2K roll over to 2000 and all lived to tell the tale.
  • The election of the first African-American President in 2008: Barack Obama.
  • The legalization of same sex marriage in 2015.
  • The NASA confirmation of water on Mars in 2015.
  • The #MeToo movement of 2017 and the #BlackLivesMatter movement of 2020 to strengthen both women's rights when it comes to sexual harassment and abuse and greater equality and justice for Black Americans.
  • The rise of technology in so many ways--from the development of the first iPhone in 2007 by Steve Jobs which catapulted tech innovation to include the pros and cons of such things as social media, cryptocurrency, and artificial intelligence to new levels.
  • The COVD-19 Pandemic, a year of shutdown (including 2020 Zoom-style graduations & weddings & at home, online learning, though luckily with the swift move of science and modern medicine we were able to create vaccines and come out from behind our medical masks.
  • The shifts in the British Royal Family with the death of Queen Mother in 2002 at age 101, the marriage of Prince William & Kate Middleton in 2011 and Prince Henry & Meghan Markle 2018,  the lengthy 70 reign of Queen Elizabeth II with her death 2022 which led to the coronation of King Charles III in 2023.

And environmentally, we've seen many major environmental strides these past 25 years with...
  • The Paris Climate Agreement was adopted in 2015 where only nearly every country in the world (minus Syria & Nicaragua) united to fight climate change. Likewise that same year, the UN Sustainable Development Goals were created.
  • A rise in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power as well as electric vehicles.
  • Conservation strides such as growth in Marine Protected areas, the Trillion Tree Initiative to aid in reforestation, and endangered species recovery, downgrading their status from endangered to vulnerable for the giant panda and the American eagle, among others. 
  • Shifts and advances in sustainable agriculture which have helped biodiversity and grown organic farming.
  • Efforts to ban single use plastics and create more biodegradable materials while also increasing efforts on a company level for circular economy practices.
  • Forward movement with green technology such as carbon capture and greater energy-efficient home appliances. 
  • Steps toward greater environmental justice and awareness with movements working toward Indigenous land rights and louder voices from youth activists such as Greta Thunberg.

All of this goes to show us that even though sometimes while we feel like "the more things change, the more they stay the same," we actually CAN see and feel the forward movement. 

This level of awareness makes 25 years definitely worth celebrating!

Images created at

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Once Again...Trying to Reason With Hurricane Season

This year's hurricane season is shaping up to be a doozy.

We've already seen the wallop and carnage that Hurricane Helene left in her wake from September 24--29, 2024. Making landfall as a Category 4 storm, Helene had major hits in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee. In the Big Bend region of Florida, this was the 3rd major storm in 13 months. The Tampa Bay Area was hit with record breaking storm surges. Major roads, bridges, buildings, and homes were washed out along with damaged electrical lines. Georgia's farming industry took a major hit, knocking out 1/3 of both the cotton and peanut crops, over 200 poultry house, and more than 40,000 acres of pecans. Flooding deeply affectect North Carolina, leaving some roads slated to remain in disrepair until March of 2025. People throughout the region are still without power, without drinkable water, people are still missing, 230+ people died, and entire communities are devastated. 

Estimated damage: Somewhere between $145 -- $165 billion.

Now, not even two weeks later, Hurricane Milton is lined up to take a hit as a potential Category 3 hurricane. Again on Florida's western coast, again coming across the Gulf of Mexico. This time, it is tracking further south than the Big Bend area of Florida where Helene hit, with the Tampa Bay Area being a potential point of landfall this Wednesday, October 9th. The path additionally is currently projected to cross Central Florida. The good news of this is that it hopefully will track south of the Helene-saturated states just north of Florida. The bad news is that the Tampa area is still heavily in clean up mode from Helene. Schools in that area are already closed from Monday to Wednesday to allow time to plan boarding up and evacuations.

We lived in Florida for 6 years. Hurricane preparation is no fun. It's nowhere near as benign as a northern snow day off of school.

With ocean water temperatures on the rise, we are having more and more "once in a lifetime hurricanes." In fact, they are coming at a frequency of 3 times more often than 100 years ago, and with numbers doubling since 1980

They definitely show us that Mother Nature is in charge--we aren't!

What you can do to offer hurricane relief and assistance?

1. Watch out for misinformation. This season, potentially with the US election ahead and political agendas, rumors abound. Check out the facts here: FEMA's Hurricane Helene: Rumor Response

2. Donate to trustworthy agencies and organizations. The American Red Cross and UNICEF are doing a lot for hurricane relief.

3. Volunteer when and where it is safe. If your local community is affected, or one near you, look to see if, when, and where you can volunteer. To learn more, check out FEMA's hurricane relief webpage.

4. If you are in the path of a hurricane, follow the local recommendations for evacuation and safety measures.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Election Connection

T-40-some-odd days from now, here in the US, we have an election ahead. As has been the case over the last decade or so, politics, partisanship, & noise go hand in hand. As with anything these days, social media is a little something that has only made the noise, opinions, & emotions stronger (if not worse). 

But, civics and civil discourse and the importance of voting are all elements that should be taught. If you are looking for some ways to have these conversations in class in a non-candidate, non partisan way, here are some resources that may come in handy for you. No doubt, there is something here for everyone.

Pre-Created Units/Collections Online:’s Election 2024

Ben's Guide to the U.S. Government
  • This online resource has several topics concerning the U.S. Government, including the elections process. Age bands: 4-8, 9-13, 14_
  • For all ages, the topics vary in depth, but largely include: 
    • Federally Recognized Tribes of US
    • Federal versus State Government
    • Branches of Government
    • How Laws are Made: The Language of the Law
    • Election Process: The History and Process of Voting 
      • General, not specific to candidates/campaigns or political parties
    • Symbols, Songs, & Structure (Buildings & Monuments) of US Government
    • Historical Documents that shaped the US
      • The Declaration of Independence: 1776
      • The Articles of Confederation: 1777 - 1789
      • The U.S. Constitution: 1789
      • The Bill of Rights: 1789 - 91
      • The Emancipation Proclamation: 1863
      • The Gettysburg Address: 1863

iCivics Election Headquarters
  • This link includes a variety of lessons, online thematic games, videos all about the election process
  • Activities Grade leveled: K-5, 6-8, 9-12 – most are grade 6 and up–with exception of videos

PBS Election Central
  • Collection of grade level lessons: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
  • Broken into following topics:
    • Civics & Democracy
    • Election Basics
    • How Voting Works
    • Voting Rights
    • News & Current Issues
    • Media & Elections
    • Civic Participation

BrainPop (This is a subscription site.)
  • Topics included:
    • Presidential Election
    • Primaries and Caucuses
    • Political Beliefs
    • Democracy
    • Political Parties
    • Women's Suffrage
    • Voting Rights
    • Presidential Powers
    • Branches of Government
    • Voting
    • Political Party Origins
    • Barack Obama
    • Parliamentary System

Individual Websites/Activities:

Electoral College: 

Infographic for 3 Branches of Government from Kid.Gov

We Are Teachers: 26 Books about Elections for Future Voters

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Fall Bucket Lists

Today is Fall Equinox here in the US. That day of exact equals between daylight and darkness. The official start to autumn, and the day that days start getting shorter than the dark of night, as we go careening into cooler temperatures, making our way toward winter. 

As sad as that descent is, it is also a time of beauty and color as the leaves shift from dark green to vibrant colors. Festivals abound and there's a beauty in the coming briskness in the air. Good time to go on a quest of autumnal outings and adventures. 

Here are a few Fall Bucket Lists from both Dani DiPirro (creator of the Positively Present Instagram page) and Liz Neiman (author of "Love & Marriage & A Baby Carriage" blog) that will have you finding the perfect way to spend your fall days ahead.

Image from and

Saturday, September 14, 2024

International Democracy Day & Better World Info Database

During an election year, especially here in the US with the last decade being a politically polar mindset, "Democracy" (with the capital D) has been in the news a lot! No doubt, as the next few months go on, the political noise will only continue to rise during this very unique election year.

Might be a good time to celebrate September 15th International Day of Democracy. The idea started in 1997 with its conception as the Inter-Parliamentary Union adopting a Universal Declaration on Democracy. Six international conferences on new and restored democracies were held from 1998 to 2006, with the first being in the Philippines and the 6th in Qatar. From there, in 2007 the United Nations General Assembly resolved what we now honor on September 15th: the International Day of Democracy. The purpose is to honor, uphold, and promote democracy while also raising awareness that democracy can come in many forms, but it is based on the values universal to all: free-expression of people's ideas and all aspects of life. Democracy happens at the voting box and is the basis of peace, humanity, equality, and a country's constitution of protective rights. Additionally, it involves civility--and hopefully open dialogue.

You can learn more at the UN's page on International Democracy Day.

You also can land on 3 dozen links about International Democracy Day on Better World Info's Database. Additionally, their Democracy page has a wealth of information and resources (over 1700) for teachers, students, & citizens alike on a variety of topics. These include social justice, fundamental human rights, & sustainability in global relations, peace, the economy, & more. Likewise, it includes some of the many challenges to democracy--including political apathy and fake news. There are also excellent resources on civic education & information about checking your bias when it comes to your political leaning, & how to approach that in a more neutral way.

Being new to Better World Info's Database, I did some digging around to learn more about this website. The Better World Info FAQ page had a lot of information! With their tagline of "A unique resource & powerful tool for people who want to make this world a better place," their mission is to provide neutral, unbiased, quality & carefully-curated links while not being paid by contributors. This keeps the links non-partial, non-partisan, not prejudicial, and not religiously affiliated. Along those lines, they are purposely free from advertisers and data mining. They want to be sources to be fact based, providing a "one-stop-shop" experience. Created by a German physician with a multitude of international volunteers and teammates, the authors have listed the most important and current lists top of the list per subject. Their mission is to help people think critically by way of providing fact-based, reliable information. All of this is not always a Google search, a social medial post, or a Wikipedia page away. The website is named to center around their vision of a "better world!" Their plan is to unite through information, not polarize into a filtered silo based on algorithms. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Old Maps Online

I'm always a fan of a great edtech tool--especially at the start of the school year, and especially when it is a tool you can use multiple times throughout the year. 

Richard Byrne, formerly of Free Technology for Teachers (he sold it to Teachermade when he traded his teacher hat for that of law student last fall) created this video on A Cool Historical Maps and Timeline Combination. In it, he describes how Old Maps Online works. 

This website could be the perfect pairing for tons of social studies and history units ahead this year! One of my favorite parts is the ability to zoom in and out, anywhere in the world over a multitude of times in history! Great way to find the pairing of space and place.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Art & Science of Going Barefoot

One of my favorites on Instagram to follow is @aesthetic_logophile. The posts are always a pairing of a beautiful scene with an unusual word defined. It's a wonderfully lovely way to pair words and nature, two of my favorite things. 

One I recently came across was "nelipot"--a word I was not at all familiar with (which is the frequent point of this Instagram page and posts).

Having recently come back from the beach, where toes in the sand are a must, it's no surprise it spoke to me. Maybe too because it's Labor Day Weekend, and the last hurrah of summer. The barefoot days of summer (which are dwindling a bit faster each day) just sing of freedom, comfort, and a state of greater relaxation. But I think it also stayed with me because I like to live life barefoot most of the time. I'd work barefoot if I could get away with it!

There's a science behind this, called "grounding" or "earthing." As both names imply, it is all about getting energy from the earth through physically connecting with the Earth via touch. Typically this is done through bare feet, but it also could come via sitting on the ground and placing your hands on the Earth as well. 

Historically as people on this planet, we were more in touch (literally) with the land. Thinking back to the hunters and gatherers, then later the planters, we used to have more direct contact with the soil, the ground, the earth. Yet we all now have become inside people--complete with all the digital distractions that come with it. Further illustrating our collective Nature Deficit Disorder

Research has found that by being in contact with Earth's electrons (and unplugging from your indoor, digital environment), you can get benefits including natural antioxidants that help reduce inflammation, lead to better sleep, lower stress and anxiety levels, & improve blood flow and healing. Furthermore, according to WebMD, a 2020 report indicated the health benefits of grounding to "counteract cardiovascular, respiratory, neurodegenerative, and auto-immune conditions, type 2 diabetes, and cancer." All those benefits? Definitely worth a try!

Thinking about it, it's another part of the full sensation of Vitamin N: Nature in that it is another way to engage all your senses in nature. Sights, smells, and sounds are common connections we think of when we think about the benefits of nature. Additionally, we often think of the Vitamin D we get from the sun; but, we often don't think of how energy can come below us. Ironically, according to WebMD, grounding sometimes is called Vitamin G, which adds to our alphabet soup of eco-vitamins!

There also is a whole level of products you can purchase to bring some of that grounding (and its benefits) indoors, but I like getting Earth's energy from the source--being barefoot outdoors and the beauty of the nelipot concept.

I've written about grounding twice before:

So next time you've had a stressful day of work (or maybe even this Labor Day weekend), maybe what you really need is to kick off your shoes and stretch your toes in some backyard grass or some beachy sand, soak energy from beneath your feet while maybe even the sun from above. It literally may make you feel more grounded!

Nelipot photo from, Grounding/Earthing facts from, Health benefits image from

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Heading Back to School: 2024-2025

There are certain traditions that teachers have during Back to School season. In the past, mine (along with probably millions of other teachers) have always included: 

  • shopping for new markers, 
  • setting up a fresh planbook, 
  • perking up the place with new bulletin boards, 
  • readying the classroom for the upcoming year, 
  • soaking up all that summer energy I've gained to get back on track for the next 9-10 months ahead with the new crop of students.

One of my GTG traditions also is to be a little reflective while simultaneously trying to sink into that inspirational space for anyone who might be in my same place. Adjusting to that transitional overlap between letting go of the sweet taste of summer in order to settle into the career I chose and love. 

Case and point, Exhibits A-H:  2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2016 - 2015

Given all of that, back to school season can be a little bittersweet for us teachers! Our days of sleeping in are over, along with the relaxed schedules with our own friends and family, reading books, enjoying pool time-naptime-vacation time, sharpening our skills with our own personal development (school or otherwise), recovering from the previous year and resting up for the next. It was a pretty good gig. 

But the days bring us closer to that back to school business. Students and teachers alike have that summer underway, but not every summer is idyllic as the prior paragraph. 

  • Sometimes summers can be bumpy with personal situations (whether circumstantial, health, aging, and otherwise for both ourselves, our kids, our parents, and our friends). 
  • Some teachers (due to teacher salaries, affordability, and cost of living) have worked all summer to supplement their income. 
  • Sometimes there's continuing education classes necessary to keep up teaching credentials and more. 
  • Some people also just respond better to life with the consistency of routines in place--sometimes a blessing and a curse of summer when they are absent. 
  • Sometimes you get hit hard by the whiplash of not much going on in the summer that harshly contrasts the start of the school year's "exploded calendar syndrome." This really hit hard when my own kids entered high school and I had sports practices, school meetings, social events, and a myriad of everything else in between hitting the calendar in a majorly overwhelming way!
  • Not every kid went to amazing camps or on stellar vacations (if any at all). 
  • Not all homes are the safest of places. 
  • Sometimes it's daunting to come back. I remember my 2nd year of teaching once I'd had kids. Although I was a seasoned teacher, I also now was becoming a seasoned working mom, and it particularly stung that year because I knew full well how hard BOTH jobs were!

All proving the complications of the back to school season. One person's perfect icebreaker may be another person's nightmare question. 

Whether your motivation is in mint condition or still a little on the shaky side going into this next school year, here are some articles that may speak to you one way or another as you are readying yourself for this new year and fresh start ahead.

One of the biggest things I've read lately was in reference to something else completely, but I feel it holds here to the beginning of the school year--for teachers, parents, and students alike. The biggest (and maybe hardest in this social media oriented world in which we live) is "You Be You." What does that mean?
  • Take things at your pace. 
  • Do what works for you. 
  • Resist the urge to compare to your next door neighbor--whether that's the house next door or the teacher buddy's classroom next door. 
  • There are a lot of ways to navigate transitions.
  • Ff you are gung ho & gangbusters and all in with energy--super. But it's okay if you are a more filled with trepidation and traveling on tiptoes. 
That level of authenticity will help you find your groove. And once you do, you will soar. As will your adventures ahead for this school year!

Images created on created using Canva's magic tools with back to school classroom prompts.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Top 40 EdTech Teaching Tools

Back "in the old days" when all we had were radios and maybe a tape recorder or even the earliest Walkman, prior to all the new-fangled things like iPods, iPhones, and the like, I was a big fan of Casey Kasem and the "Weekly Top 40."

Ahh, the 1970s & '80s. Those were the days.

At least that's what all came to mind when I ran across these two related articles talking about the Top 40. Not tied to music, but to the top edtech tools used during the previous school year.

Instructure's "EdTech Top 40: A Look at K-12 EdTech Engagement During the 2023-24 School Year"
Looking back at last year, this report analyzes 9000 of the edtech products used last school year by 492,000 educators and 3,500,000 students. In the report, they address the following:
  • The State of K-12 Edtech Engagement
  • The EdTech Top 40 
  • Edtech Rankings By Solution Purpose 
    • The Top 5 Learning Management Systems 
    • The Top 10 Courseware Platforms 
    • The Top 15 Supplemental Platforms 
    • The Top 10 Classroom Response & Assessment Tools 
    • The Top 10 Study Tools 
    • The Top 10 Sites & Resources
  • Takeaways and Action Items 
  • Methodology 

Here's their top 40 list as screenshot from the report--but the report is definitely worth reading!

If 25 pages is too long to read, here's the Cliff Notes version at District Administration's "EdTech Top 40: It’s All About Unique Tools and Interoperability."    It is the shortened and condensed article summary. 

With either one, it's kind of fun trying to see how much your own finger is on the pulse. How many of the top 40 are you using?

With the new school year having already started for some and on the horizon for others, may the Top 40 serve you well for inspiration for the year ahead!

Images from and "EdTech Top 40" created at, Top 40 list from page 8:

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Canva Design School: Teacher Essentials

A new school year is a-coming, fast and furious! Ready or not, here it comes!

Given that factor, it's always good to start the year fresh--fresh in your classroom design and fresh with new skills.

Canva, one of my go-to favorites when it comes to digital design, has a brand new Canva Design School module called "Teacher Essentials." You can really up your game with your presentations, bulletin boards, forms and classroom printables with their 7 lesson design course, made just for teachers. Even better, Canva knows how busy teachers are, so you can work through the lessons and even build in some Canva practice and play time, and bump up your skills in less than an hour.

Check it out here:  Canva Design School: Teacher Essentials.

Also, if you are a teacher and haven't joined Canva for Education, make time to check out my post on that. It opens up a wealth of additional tools in Canva for you--always free for teachers.

And as you are trekking down the rabbit hole of amazing things over at Canva for teachers, be sure to check out this amazing collection of Graphic Organizers for classroom use, designed by Canva creators and curated by the San Antonio Independent School District. Tons of amazing graphic organizers on all of the following, pictured here.

Screenshot from and

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Maker Mindset for Collisionable Inspiration

I was at a class last week upping my game on my 3D printing skills as well as learning some other tech innovations we have available on our Upper School campus with laser cutters and CNC machines. Given I spent most of my career in education in the elementary homeroom classroom, I continually am up-leveling my skills now that I teach K-5 Technology.

In the class, we watched this 2018 TED Talk "A Makerspace for Everyone" by Robin Hooker about the maker mindset. Innovation and embracing the design process in a maker space environment makes the world "collisionable"--where people come together with their ideas, culture, tools, and technology, forming a community. It is here where these ideas "collide" and where sparks come alive and innovation happens.

I've long said, it is innovation and technology that will fuse to form the solutions to today's problems! Makerspaces can be places where this happens!

Video from, image from

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Goodbye, Dr. Wallace J. Nichols

Earlier this week I was deeply saddened when I ran across the following on Dr. Wallace J. Nichol's social media feed (which I follow on both Instagram and Facebook). Nichols, who regularly went by J on his own website, wrote the book Blue Mind: The Surprising Science That Shows How Being Near, In, On, or Under Water Can Make You Happier, Healthier, More Connected, and Better at What You Do. Published in summer of 2014, this marks the 10 year anniversary of his book. Blue Mind happens to be one of my top favorite books of all times, and I have read it at least 3 times....and written about it more than that, as you'll see in my list below.

Seeing this highlighted social media post this week was the first I'd heard of his passing, at the age of 56--far too young AND far too close to my age! News like this never seems realistic when the person passing is fairly young. For years I've been waiting for his next book because I literally "soak up" his writing and couldn't get enough. Now I see that other than his children's book Dear Wild Child: You Carry Your Home Inside of You that he wrote with and for his daughter after California wildfires took their home, that dream of mine will not come to be.

I am mourning this loss of J and how his "blue mind" message was so powerful to me. It probably doesn't help that the '80s girl in me (who has recently watched Brats by Andrew McCarthy and a lot of Brat Pack movies afterward for nostalgia sake) has seen the recent loss of other icons from my younger years: Richard Simmons, Bob Newhart, Shannon Doherty, Dr. Ruth, Martin Mull, and Donald Sutherland. These "younger" losses hit even harder. Especially when I don't feel my calendar/chronological age.

I've been comforted reading about the lost of this blue mind hero of mine with the following tribute articles written by some big name publications in the world of environmentalism, outdoor education, and sustainability.

Here is the post on his own website by his family announcing his passing:  "In Memory of Dr. Wallace J. Nichols" (6/21/2024).

In reading so many articles about Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, I even learned he wrote a post on his Patreon site right before his passing, showing all of the upcoming plans he had and how his work was not done. He had plans.

I also pay tribute to J here with my own list here of past posts I've written on the concept of Blue Mind:

To contribute toward the continuation of his work, you can visit The Dr Wallace J Nichols Memorial Fund GoFundMe Page. Here too, you can read his incredible biography of all he accomplished in his 56 years!

J, you will be missed, far and wide. My thoughts go out to your friends and family who feel their immediate holes in their heart and lives where you should still be. Thank you for your work in marine biology, your books, your environmentalism, your Blue Mind Movement, and for putting words in place that beautifully describe my relationship with water.

Wallace J. Nichols' photo quote created by me in using words from the text of "Blue Mind" for my June 26, 2021 GTG post:; photo image with Dr. Wallace J. Nichols & blue marble from, Google Slide images created by me, with social media posts from July 23, 2024, video from

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Long Live Les Éco-Olympiades

The 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris are a week away, beginning on July 26 and running until August 11th. Excitement is building across many sectors for this global, quadrennial event of celebrated humanity and athleticism.

As with events like this, each successive one wants to be bigger and better in as many ways as possible. Paris' Olympics this year is no different:

As mentioned in the video above, one of the ways Paris' Olympics plan to lead are through its green initiatives.  Interesting Engineering's Sujita Sinha's 7-15-2024 post and Forbes' Claire Poole's 7-19-2024 article detail some pretty cool eco-initiatives in place here for this summer's olympics:

  • When planning the events, emphasis was put on minimal new construction while also improving existing ones to house the events. Examples include adding a retractable roof to the Georges Vallerey pool and restoration of the Grand Palais.
  • When new buildings were built (such as the new aquatics center), sustainable elements were put into place including specialty roof design and solar energy farms. Likewise, seats constructed of recycled plastic were installed where needed. (11,000 to be exact!)  Additionally, these structures were purposely built for reuse.
  • The Olympic Village incorporated seashell pavements and air purifiers near the roads.Additionally, the Village is outfitted with furniture specifically created from reused or recycled materials such as badminton shuttlecock-created tables and bottle cap-created chairs, parachute fiber covered bean bags, and couches constructed from metal sidewalk barriers at their base.
  • After the games, furnishings in the Olympic Village are planned to reused, donated, or repurposed, giving thousands of items second life rather than have them be a part of the throw-away mentality.
  • Using famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, the Seine River, and the Palace of Versailles as backdrop settings for a number of sporting events.
  • The opening ceremony will be help in the streets of Paris as well as on a Seine River in a flotilla-stryle boat parade. 
  • Food options for the athletes have emphasis on plant-based menu items as well as being locally sourced.
  • In an effort to protect seagrasses near Calanques National Park in Marseille where some of the sailing competitions are planned to occur, organizers are preparing to use drone-like buoys. In doing so, this is more protective to the carbon-soaking grasses because there will be less disruption to them due to not being dredged by anchors.

To do a deep dive on the 2024 Paris Olympic's commitment to sustainability and see their nods to the 2015 Paris Agreement (with goal date of 2030),  check out their website and their multitude of reference points, remarks, and reports. Then also watch this video from Interesting Engineering to see how their plan for fewer building projects for these games is both a sustainable AND money-saving move.


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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Environmental Elmo

Elmo, of Sesame Street fame, is one pretty well-known and easily recognizable muppet. A regular on Sesame Street since 1980, he's one of our favorite least in our house. 

Elmo was a favored beanie baby in our house with our daughter. One particular trip to the Florida Strawberry Festival (many moons ago) brings back an Elmo fear-factor moment when we realized Elmo was once lost, dropped from stroller snuggles. Luckily, with swift retracing of steps, he was miraculously found before our 2 year old even realized he was missing. 
Phew! Crisis averted!

Just like being found in the vast fairgrounds for us, Elmo is always full of surprises. Elmo's latest is an environmental partnership between Sesame Street and Cut Media's HiHo Kids YouTube Channel. This collaboration pairs Elmo with HiHo Kids and their "Kids Meet" Series to create a two-part video series to help build environmental stewardship and curiosity of our natural world through eyes of kids and Elmo! 

In early May 2024, they released "Kids Meet a BeeKeeper," where Elmo does just that: meet a beekeeper. Bees can be a seemingly scary insect-enemy to small children (and let's face it--many adults). But, through their 7:41 short video, they highlight the importance of bees for pollinating our growing world as well as our grocery stores!

Just released this weekend on July 13th, the second in this series was "Kids Meet a Marine Biologist." With Elmo right there with the rest of the HiHo Kids again, they learn all about the importance of of oceans and how the protect the marine life that lives there by striving for clean ocean waters during this 7 minute short.

To get your Environmental Elmo fix, you can watch these two below. Then definitely check out the HiHo Kids YouTube channel to meet more folks with fascinating positions as well as some of their other series like "Kids Try," "Kids Design," "Don't You Dare," "Kids Show & Tell," "What's Popping," and more. You can also find them on the Sesame Street YouTube Channel. Additionally, Elmo & HiHo Kids paired together in 2022 to "Meet a Dancer" & "Meet a Basketball Player" where they discussed sports, wellness, character traits vital to athletes, as well as unique situations and their personal stories of triumph.