Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Art & Science of Going Barefoot

One of my favorites on Instagram to follow is @aesthetic_logophile. The posts are always a pairing of a beautiful scene with an unusual word defined. It's a wonderfully lovely way to pair words and nature, two of my favorite things. 

One I recently came across was "nelipot"--a word I was not at all familiar with (which is the frequent point of this Instagram page and posts).

Having recently come back from the beach, where toes in the sand are a must, it's no surprise it spoke to me. Maybe too because it's Labor Day Weekend, and the last hurrah of summer. The barefoot days of summer (which are dwindling a bit faster each day) just sing of freedom, comfort, and a state of greater relaxation. But I think it also stayed with me because I like to live life barefoot most of the time. I'd work barefoot if I could get away with it!

There's a science behind this, called "grounding" or "earthing." As both names imply, it is all about getting energy from the earth through physically connecting with the Earth via touch. Typically this is done through bare feet, but it also could come via sitting on the ground and placing your hands on the Earth as well. 

Historically as people on this planet, we were more in touch (literally) with the land. Thinking back to the hunters and gatherers, then later the planters, we used to have more direct contact with the soil, the ground, the earth. Yet we all now have become inside people--complete with all the digital distractions that come with it. Further illustrating our collective Nature Deficit Disorder

Research has found that by being in contact with Earth's electrons (and unplugging from your indoor, digital environment), you can get benefits including natural antioxidants that help reduce inflammation, lead to better sleep, lower stress and anxiety levels, & improve blood flow and healing. Furthermore, according to WebMD, a 2020 report indicated the health benefits of grounding to "counteract cardiovascular, respiratory, neurodegenerative, and auto-immune conditions, type 2 diabetes, and cancer." All those benefits? Definitely worth a try!

Thinking about it, it's another part of the full sensation of Vitamin N: Nature in that it is another way to engage all your senses in nature. Sights, smells, and sounds are common connections we think of when we think about the benefits of nature. Additionally, we often think of the Vitamin D we get from the sun; but, we often don't think of how energy can come below us. Ironically, according to WebMD, grounding sometimes is called Vitamin G, which adds to our alphabet soup of eco-vitamins!

There also is a whole level of products you can purchase to bring some of that grounding (and its benefits) indoors, but I like getting Earth's energy from the source--being barefoot outdoors and the beauty of the nelipot concept.

I've written about grounding twice before:

So next time you've had a stressful day of work (or maybe even this Labor Day weekend), maybe what you really need is to kick off your shoes and stretch your toes in some backyard grass or some beachy sand, soak energy from beneath your feet while maybe even the sun from above. It literally may make you feel more grounded!

Nelipot photo from, Grounding/Earthing facts from, Health benefits image from

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