His latest find one came by way of his wardrobe, as he handed over the following 2 tags (front and back):
This, of course, let me to a little bit of research and digging, because I wanted to find out more about this very cool brand.
Surprisingly enough, you can't find much on Joseph Abboud's website about the "Joe: Just One Earth" Brand. (I love the symbolic nature of both the name, the acronym, and the logo.) This surprises me as I think he's want to put something like that on his website if he's going to have it on his tags. But I digress.
You do get more on the Men's Warehouse write ups with his clothing made by the Repreve fabric:
"This stylish sport shirt has a subtle check pattern. It's woven with Repreve®, a recycled polyester made from plastic bottles. Repreve® is one of the most certified, earth-friendly fibers available. High-quality, recycled polyester yarns are made from 100% recycled materials, including post-consumer plastic bottles, pre-consumer industrial waste or a hybrid blend of both. Help conserve energy and natural resources with recycling and the use of recycled products."So, my brother's short sleeve button up shirt was made with approximately 5 up cycled plastic bottles. That's pretty cool.
Where it starts getting even more interesting is on the Repreve website. Their running tally board had swiftly moving counter with 16.6+ billion bottles recycled when I last looked. They have a pretty extensive sustainability commentary on their Discover page, including an excellent video that is not on their YouTube Channel (different from the one listed below).
Here's a little bit about how it works--and why it should incentivize all of us to make sure our recycled bottles are indeed RECYCLED!!
I was going to list the brands that use Repreve, but their alphabetical list is way too long. There's about 71 brands that use them, many you'll recognize!! Check it out yourself. We should all shop accordingly! They also pride themselves in their Performance Technology. You can also shop directly on their website.
From their website alone, you can tell their commitment to sustainability, driven by innovation, to help make a "reprieve on the planet." Imagine the world we'd have if more companies followed suit! It gives you some inspirational hope for people out there, committing to solving problems!
Tag montage from my tag pics & created at Canva.com; Logo from https://repreve.com/news/unifi-announces-inaugural-champions-of-sustainability; video from https://youtu.be/YqzL6ttn988
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