Wrapping up my series on World Water Day, it only seems fitting to end ON World Water Day.
Given some of my last entries have felt heavy-handed on the "doom and gloom" of the severity of the situation, it seemed like a natural place to end looking at what you can indeed do to conserve water and make a difference!
Watch or track your water intake today.
Or think about how far that water could go for those who don't have it.
Really think about what you can do to reduce your usage.
Limit your bottled water intake, which also wastes plastic.
Donate to a charity like Plan International USA that give gifts of water.
Watch the 21 sH20rts 2015 films.
Also check out the Walk4Wells & Water videos.
Take it to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or other Social Media:
Embrace the Hashtag: #WaterIs, #WalkForWater, or #WorldWaterDay
Remind the people in your house that water is a limited resource.
Dive into the 5 Gallon Challenge. Can you live on only 5 gallons? That's the
Amount recommended for healthy & hydrated living a day.
You can do it. If we all cut back a little, we'd save a lot!
World Water Day banner from http://www.unwater.org/fileadmin/user_upload/worldwaterday2015/docs/468x60.jpg;
Today is World Water Day image from http://www.wheniscalendars.com/tag/world-water-day-2015-date/
Sunday, March 22, 2015
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