Monday, August 8, 2011

S = Sweet Search #GETABC

S is for 
(GTG's #GETABC Series = Green, Education,  & Tech*)

A super sweet summer find that's as student-friendly as they come is the SweetSearch.  This is a search engine geared solely for students, with every one of the 35,000+ websites listed having been researched by their expert staff.  So it becomes a super safe search engines--I think we have all had that situation where we were Googling or Bing-ing or Yahoo-ing something, and then all of a sudden we find ourself somewhere we definitely never intended!

You have some levels with SweetSearch, depending on what you are wanting your search to find:

--SweetSearch Web Research Tutorial = for a focused place to hone you/your students' research skills.

--SweetSearch4Me = the SS search engine for the younger computer set out there, just beginning to learn how to use a search engine.

--SweetSearch2Day = a place to go to learn something new every day.

--SweetSearch Biographies = for biography searches, with over 1,000 noteable people

--SweetSearch Social Studies = a SS search engine for SS

Letter S pic from, "Sweet Search" logo from their website.
Note:  In an attempt to meld my pursuits of green, education, and technology, "GET" and this ABC series did my twitter thread #GETABC.  To see the inception of #GETABC and give yourself a tidbit of background, go to GTG's True Confessions & Whirling Dervishes.

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