(GTG's #GETABC Series = Green, Education, & Tech*)
Given that, a one way ticket to PPPST: Pete's Power Point Station to get the down and dirty on pollution is where you need to go. There, you'll find info covering air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, and land-based pollution (as it affects Coral Reefs), and links for kids and for teachers.
With 22 links, it's certainly a powerful plethora of information...including links to acid rain, the environment, reuse/recycle, the water cycle, and world problems!
Letter P pic from http://rakstagemom.wordpress.com/. Pollution pic from http://science.pppst.com/pollution.html. "Be the Solution" sticker picture from http://www.zazzle.com/%22be+the+solution%22+gifts.
Note: In an attempt to meld my pursuits of green, education, and technology, "GET" and this ABC series began...as did my twitter thread #GETABC. To see the inception of #GETABC and give yourself a tidbit of background, go to GTG's True Confessions & Whirling Dervishes.
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