Mother Nature knows how to put on a show....and so does Linda Richards. Perfect for the 2 to be in sync here at the close of Eagle Cove's Bay Week. You couldn't ask for better weather for our outdoor concert during the last hour or so at the end of the day.
My third grade boys had an hour of science outdoors with our science teacher--and their clothes reflected that. But, some sacrifices simply must be made...especially when there are oyster cages to shake, things to be moved, and outdoor learning to be had. The reward for their hard labor was a trip to our campus geodesic dome greenhouse for a nibble of fresh lettuce, spinach, and baby peas. Later in the morning we finally wrapped up our week-long EarthOpoly game--truly only due to the absence of time and the presence of lunch. I think the boys could have played on and on! After lunch, my boys had just enough time before our Bay Week Concert to do their weekly duty of counting Frito-Lay chip bags and Capri Sun juice pouches (both of which we turn into Terracycle, who up-cycles and re-fashions them into other products).
The Bay Week Outdoor Eco-Concert is a time-honored culminating tradition here at Eagle Cove. Perhaps it's karma to have good weather after spending a week dedicating ourselves to the planet. Whatever it is, we said "thank you" for the blessing as we soaked in the sun, the songs, and the sounds of the birds who tried to join in. As always, Linda Richards works magic with the kids in the short time she spends per class writing these amazingly creative eco-songs with them one day, then turns them into rock star performers the very next day. She's so engaging and interactive with both her on-stage performers and the audience, and you most certainly go away from the green-centric songs feeling very "one with nature."
My plan over the next week or so is to share the clever songs the kids wrote, but for now the chorus of Linda's original (and her final) song "While We're Here" is what is sticking in my mind:
If we could all live simply while we're hereUse a little less--make a smaller mess--Tone it down so there's more to go around;If we could all live simply while we're here.
For more about Terracycle, go to
To "ooh" and "ahh" more over Linda, click the above title or go to straight from my camera. Note: My reference to "my 3rd grade boys" is not a sexist nor eliminating way of diminishing the girls in my class....there are no girls in my class! It's just my boys and me this year!
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