Thursday, April 15, 2010

Earth Day is On Its Way: The Mega Resource Center

As a teacher, I think I'm a perpetual collector...of things, of files, of websites, of all kinds of goodies that might be of great use in the classroom.  Here are ten of my great "green" finds for Earth Day activities galore!!  May you be "a kid in the candy store" in the same way I am with goodies like these:
For the "Toys 'R Us" of the Earth Day Internet world, Planet Pals is where your quest should begin!  It easily could be your 1 stop shopping center for lesson plans and activities.
Elmer's Glue Crew has a printable calendar of 40 days of 40 ways to be Earth Friendly.  How many items on that list can you, your family, or your class mark of as "mission completion?"
The Earth Day specialists!  Tons, tons, and tons of lesson plans grades K-12 on a myriad of environmental topics.  You won't go home hungry!
 It's not "Earth Day" themed per se, yet "Meet the Greens" are focused entirely around living the green life, so any of the mini video clips you find there will definitely color your Earth Day the right shade!
The EPA (the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) has 2 websites that have loads of links and activities.  The first is very Earth Day specific, and the latter is the EPA Environmental Kids Club with neat activities for kids.  and
Seventh Generation, the company that produces many eco-friendly cleaning products, has compiled four lessons perfectly timed to share about the importance of clean air inside your home.  Their lessons are catagorized by grade level, and rich with both teacher & student activities to print.

At The Teachers' Guide you'll find lesson plans for all of the following:  "The Lorax," Earth Day lesson plans, internet/smartboard resources, printouts, clip art, and crafts.  All sorts of fun stuff.
Another lesson plan super store is here at A to Z Teacher Stuff.  Crafts, mini units, projects and more are here for you...appropriate grade levels are listed.
Here you'll find a lesson plan storehouse where you can search any topic.  The Earth Day section is well-organized with lesson plans by theme (rainforest, national parks, garbage and recycling, environmental injustice, general Earth Day ideas, and general environmental awareness issues.  There's also a video section.  Boatloads of links!

And then, of course, there's my own April 2010 Green Team Gazette, complete with Jeopardy game.

 Okay... just because there's more....Here's #11 from Green Schools Initiatives. The "resources" page is huge! 

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