That's precisely the premise of Sheena Matheiken's "The Uniform Project." But with a twist. 1 year. 365 days. 1 little black dress (well...okay, for laundry's sake, 7 identical black dresses.) A tunic-style dress that can be worn with the buttons in the front or back, open or closed. Then add in lots and lots...and lots...of accessories. Mostly vintage, hand-me-downs, or creative inspirations & inventions of her own. From May 2009 to May 2010 she daily reinvented her uniform...and took photographic proof of it while it happened. One outfit, 365 different looks! Must see TV at it's finest--you most definitely MUST watch the video book of snapshots:
Her goal: Creating a uniform for herself to showcase sustainable fashion, but at a price--to raise money for the Akanksha Foundation, and educational movement in India that helps kids in need get the finances for their own school uniforms & other educational expenses. A mere $360 finances a child in India's schooling for a year. From The Uniform Project's donation page, here's the rest of the facts:
"Today, there are 7.5 million Indian children that never get to attend school. The Indian government spends an average of $360 on each child's schooling, 80% of whom drop out before reaching the 10th grade. Akanksha has vowed to spend the same amount on every child in the slums--not a penny more, not a penny less--to afford them a better, more holistic education. The money raised from this project will go toward funding Akanksha's new schools in Mumbai and Pune. To learn more, visit" ~ Quoted from date, Sheena & The Uniform Project crew have raised $95,206, putting 264 kids in school. Amazing. And dressed to the 9's as she did it, showing us all how easy, affordable, and eco-friendly outfitting ourselves can be!!
Find the Uniform Project also on Facebook:
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Special thanks to Constantinople for sharing the link & sending forth the inspiration!!
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