In the category of "innovation will save our environmental and social issues," technology, apps, and smart phones are once again making a difference. This time, it's in the category of food waste. Timely here, mid-winter, when it seems to have the greatest impact, especially on the homeless.
Yes, once again, there's an app for that!
Zero Percent is an app that was created in 2013 by Rajesh Karmani in Chicago to help connect businesses with excess food with the people who locally need them. Since then, the concept and reach has extended far beyond just one city.
Their motto: "Zero waste, zero hunger!" Watch this video to see their vision and mission in action.
Environmental stats about our food footprint (or "foodprint") from their website include:
- 40% of food ends up in landfill that is not scrap or rotten, just excess.
- Rotting food contributes to methane, which is "21 times more damaging than carbon dioxide."
- 16% of Americans ar considered "food insecure." This means they do not know from meal to meal where the next one is coming.
When I was investigating Zero Percent, 356,000+ pounds of food had been donated. Way to go.
For ways to get involved with Zero Percent, check out their website. Businesses, join in here.
video from, image
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