Wednesday, January 20, 2016

MidMonth Climate Manifesto: Defined

Thinking back to before Christmas and our really warm, unseasonable weather, I'm weighing heavily this whole climate change thing.  As I wrote about in that post, my son got a bit worked up. I think he felt like the warm December days were going to continue, and we might just implode. Even at his age, he's heard enough and knows enough about this climate change thing to know it's a big deal. It's all over the news. And it's scary.

Given the fact that it does make the nightly news more and more these days, I certainly have a plethora of which I could write about. But, I don't want Green Team Gazette to be the forum for just spewing doom and gloom. It's too doomy and gloomy!

But, we also can't bury our heads in the sand. It's a concept that needs to be revisited.  Often. (Or at least, frequently.) When armed with information, we can then do what we need to do: we need to reinforce that climate change a significant matter that needs our attention.  We need to reinvest our time, energy, and commitment to helping minimize the harmful effects of our lifestyles that are leading to the rising temperatures of this global problem. We need to remind ourselves of our individual and collective responsibilities in causing the problem so that we can begin to diminish the effects.

Thus begins a monthly feature.  A MidMonth Manifesto, if you will:
"manifesto, noun:  a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives, as one issued by a government, sovereign, or organization."
May it serve as a mid-month morsel of relevant resources to help both raise awareness and also point us all in the direction of taking action to fight climate change.  

The following letter is from NOAA, where you can find many other great letters written by kids on climate change.

Image from; definition from; letter from

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