Wednesday, January 13, 2016

2016's "One Word" Resolutions

A common trend in New Year's Resolution writing over the last few years 
has been to find a word, one word, and make a commitment for the year ahead.  

This year, I'm going that route again.  My word:

I see this as a very "up"lifting word--always nudging towards the side of half-full versus half-empty. always aiming high versus low.  A word that always encourages you (aka, me) to check in with myself and strive to be my best self.  Whether it's....

Looking up.... to others, from my devices, to a higher power;
Shaping up... and honoring myself, my health, & being their for my peeps;
Stepping up & jazzing up... my game, my routine, my character,
                  my ability to be my best self;
Filling up... my water glass to "hydrate up," my spirit, my heart with love.

All these words work to help me "live it up," "show up," "wake up" & "get up".... and sometimes even "lighten up" to have a fabulous 2016 ahead.

What's your word this year?  

I encourage all to find that word, and find a creative way to express it, unleash it, and live it!

Up image created using both the Scrap It & Pic Collage Apps.

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