"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.” ~ Chief Seattle
Choose your own energy. Lower carbon emissions.
Save Money. Support Eagle Cove School.
In 2006, energy de-regulation happened. Since then only 6% of Maryland residents have chosen to take advantage of it.These are the words on our new link (http://www.viridian.com/EagleCoveSchool), which also links with a new fundraising venture we are beginning this year with Viridian Energy.
If you could choose a green energy provider, and easily lower your power bill while helping to "green the grid," wouldn't you make that choice? What if that choice also helped to support Eagle Cove School?
Choose Viridian Energy as your provider. It's safe, simple, and takes no more than five minutes over the phone or online. You'll still get one bill, and if you don't like the change, you can switch back any time. There are no set up, enrollment, or cancellation fees--no risk at all to you.
WHEN YOU DO, be sure to access Viridian through our specialized website to credit Eagle Cove School--Viridian will donate a portion of the proceeds.
Go green today, and support ECS!
Being a company that wants to "green the power grid," Viridian is helping to educate energy consumers that they do have both an economic and an affordable, environmental choice when it comes to their electric bill. Additionally, they help non-profits organizations raise funds for their needs. With a sustainability goal to reach 7 continents in 7 years, Viridian is working hard to spread the vision of environmentalism planet-wide.
Of course, with our green mission at Eagle Cove School (www.eaglecoveschool.org), Viridian's mission is perfectly aligned with our school, both ecologically and educationally! Plus, with everyone who signs up through our personalized Viridian site, our school will earn $2 per month that the individual is with Viridian. That also stretches with other non-profit referrals. This residual fundraising program becomes the gift that keeps giving.
Whether with BGE or Pepco here in Maryland, the power lines stay the same, the billing stays the same, and the phone number of who you call when you have an outage stays the same. The only thing that differs is the amount of money per kwH you pay. When looking at my bill last month, I would have saved $36 if I would have been with Viridian. Another member of our school community would have saved $50. That kind of math adds up significantly over time.
Viridian has two products they offer: their Everyday Green (which is their 20% renewable energy "product") and their Pure Green (which is their 100% renerable energy plan). Either way, both are significantly more green than Maryland's 5.5% green energy that is tied in with either BGE or Pepco. (The Viridian markets extend beyond Maryland to Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and New Jersey....New York and Illinois are being brought on later this year!)
To find out more about rates, go to http://www.viridian.com/EagleCoveSchool/Custom/CUST077/PersonalPages/OurMarkets.aspx

If you are a non-profit that is interested in following in Eagle Cove's fundraising footprints, also go to http://www.viridian.com/EagleCoveSchool, then click on the "Referral Program".
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