I think I have NatGeo on the brain lately, because all roads keep pointing back to here. I recently shared some excellent learning resources from there (link) and a bit earlier in the summer I shared this infographic which highlights the Explorer Mindset.
What I should have realize was the graphic organizer was built from a pretty solid and empowering framework. I love that it "is a guide to developing the Explorer Mindset in the next generation of planetary stewards."
In this video from National Geographics' Explorer Mindset Framework page, marine ecologist/geospacial analyst Whitney Goodell discusses the importance of her work to our planet...which also details an explorer mindset in action.
The Explorer Mindset Framework is built from the Attitudes, Skills, and Knowledge [ = ASK] that is at the heart of an explorer. Here is slide 1 of their 8 slides details the qualities that make up the framework. You will want to download it all as it is an excellent resource!!
Additionally, be sure to check out this downloadable resrouce: The Explorers Mindset Toolkit. It is dated from last year's school year, however it is a valuable resource for elementary school teachers.
Here is a shorter video showing the Attitudes, Skills, and Knowledge in action:
As I watch these videos, and look at the framework, my wheels in my brain start to spin about ways to employ these skills in the classroom. We definitely want our students to be risk takers, full of curiosity, working together, being empowered, solving problems based on our observations.
These are all the skills that lead to innovation. As teachers, we have an enormous task to inspire our students to become lifelong learners. As I've said before, it is through all of these skills, attitudes, and knowledge that we will start to conquer some of the difficult problems we face in this world.
May we all be the next generation of planetary stewards!
Images from https://media.nationalgeographic.org/assets/file/Explorer_Mindset_Framework_June_2022.pdf?_gl=1*kalpt*_ga*NjA2MjYyMjEuMTY2MDkyNjIyMA..*_ga_JRRKGYJRKE*MTY2MDkyNjIyMC4xLjEuMTY2MDkyNzEzOS4wLjAuMA.. and https://blog.education.nationalgeographic.org/2021/09/21/dear-educators-no-one-explores-alone/
Videos from https://youtu.be/9BM11wtxtnk and https://youtu.be/9KPtcbXZtkQ and can also be found on https://www.nationalgeographic.org/education/about/explorer-mindset/
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