but it's close:
A solar eclipse is coming!
A solar eclipse is coming!
August 21st, 2017,
to be exact!
Unless you have been living under a rock, this should not be new news. It's been all over social media and news networks for a good month!
Given the trajectory and the tilt of the Earth's axis, all of North America is in prime position to see the sights of this total solar eclipse. (For a bigger map, go here.) Given that fact, it's come to be known as "The Great American Eclipse. The last time an eclipse trekked across the contiguous United States was June 8, 1918--just over 99 years ago!
The posters, created by artist, educator, & Astronomer Tyler Nordgren, follow the style of the Works Progress Administration of the mid-1900s. What striking advertisements for a great once-in-a-lifetime event! Visual reminders to help us all remember to mark our calendar for next week!!
Tyler Nordgren |
Tyler Nordgren |
Tyler Nordgren |
Tyler Nordgren |
And then there's NASA:
- NASA's Eclipse 2017 page including 2 great videos under their "How Eclipses Work" tab.
- NASA's "Eclipse: Who? What? Where? When? How?" Info page,
- NASA also has a huge list of ways you can become involved as a citizen scientist, recording data as you take it all in!
- NASA's page to show you how to watch the live stream.
- NASA also has a number of tabs to find their educational resources!
Map from https://www.greatamericaneclipse.com/best-places-to-view/; posters from https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2017/7/14/15882210/solar-eclipse-2017-us-posters; Progress of an eclipse pic from http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/16/us/great-american-eclipse-trnd/index.html; infographic from https://www.facebook.com/CroftonFamilyEyeCare/photos/a.416850108325676.104224.137412842936072/1715868441757163/?type=3&theater
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