Saturday, April 8, 2017

Story of Stuff: 10 Years of #Eco-Education

Back in 2007, Annie Leonard was fed up with "STUFF" and decided enough is enough with "enough!" She released the original animated documentary called "The Story of Stuff," which has lead her now on a decade-long adventure of activism through "The Story of Stuff Project."

Annie & her "Say No to Stuff" mantra has been a frequent focus here at GTG.

Her latest environmental education mini-movie was released last month... 'round about the same time our new head of the EPA was denying climate change and our human-planetary impact.  Her latest is "The Story of Microfibers" and it will change the way you look at clothing, laundry, and how it affects marine life and our water supply.

In addition to her many movies, there's a plethora of environmental-awareness resources.  Check out her bounty with the links below. They are kid-friendly and perfect for Earth Day ahead as you inspire your young stewards to be community-minded, solutions-focused, and action-oriented--just like Annie's S-O-S Team!

Image from; video from

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