Sunday, October 30, 2011

Series 7 Billion: The 1st of 7

October 31 is more than just Halloween. 
According to the United Nations, it's the anticipated date where the global population reaches a record
7 billion people.

That's a lot of people... and it makes a large global impact. In honor of that, National Geographics is doing a year long special series.  You can check it out at their website link here, where you can also check the running population total as it makes its way to 7 billion.or they have an exquisite iPad app you can download for free, for a limited time.  Their Video really also brings some powerful numbers visually to your attention.  Watch below, or at YouTube.

Another place to peruse if you are in pursuit of more information about what 7 billion looks like and what it means is DC's Museum of Natural History.  They have a great exhibit, and it's a good one to see if you are in the DC area and able to check out this part of the Smithsonian Institute.  We were there about 2 or 3 weeks ago, and were able to visit their exhibit dedicated to reaching 7 billion people.  Here are some of our pictures of that outing. 

Also, stay tuned the next week or so as we do our own series of sharing resources regarding our explosive 7 billion population!
Video from; pics from our camera!!

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