Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fighting Obesity: Jamie Oliver's Partner in Crime

Jamie Oliver isn't fighting the good fight alone.  Chef Ann Cooper is American's version of Jamie Oliver.  Author of books and seen as "the Renagade Lunch Lady," Chef Ann might mince onions, but she'll never mince words! Especially not when it comes to school lunches and her view that it's a social justice issue.

As another guest speaker of TED Talks (lectures by inspirational leaders out there on "Technology, Entertainment, and Design"), Chef Ann believes in the idea of a salad bar in every school.  Author of Lunch Lessons and keeper of both and, Chef Ann has created some wonderful resources to spread her vision.  In fact, check out the resouce page of The Lunch Box at  You'll find a wealth of curriculum and inspriation at that site! 

Another great tool is American Chef Ann Cooper's "The Lunchbox: Healthy Tools to Help All Schools."  Regardless of weather it's for curriculum or your family's health, the resources are immense.  If you couldn't watch the video above, click on the link below.

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