Saturday, February 29, 2020

Science App Recommendations from Project Learning Tree

Project Learning Tree always is rich with resources.

Their article "12 Engaging Science Apps for Middle & High School Students" is right there along the lines of super finds.  Best part about all of these apps: they're free, and all with a focus on climate change, trees, conservation, & weather.

Here's the short list, but be sure to click the link to this article in order to get a brief synopsis of each one!
  1. Carbon Capture
  2. Code Carbon
  3. Earth Now
  4. Global Change
  5. Globe Observer 
  6. Leaf Snap
  7. Offset
  8. Oroeco
  9. Space Science Investigations: Plant Growth
  10. Survive Global Climate Change
  11. Trees Pro
  12. Water Wiz
Plant Snap is an app similar to Leaf Snap which I have used, written about, and recommend as well!

Image from

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