Saturday, January 22, 2022

Ryan Reynolds: The Environmentalist

My mom loves Ryan Reynolds. Not in a weird way, but in a cute, her-grandkids-like-to-tease-her way, where she could possibly watch "The Proposal" every day. Especially with Betty White, it's a complete classic. Not to mention, he IS pretty darn cute.

More importantly, he was green long before 2011 when he appeared in Green Lantern (long before his Deadpool & Red Notice days). Being an environmental lover and activist has been part of his core for well over half of his lifetime.

He also is the voice of Canadian's January 2022 The Nature of Things "Curb Your Carbon" series (where curses! as an American, I can not view this! Argh!). [You can learn more about that series here.] Here's a trailer (and you'll get why I'm upset to miss it, as it brings that iconic, engaging Ryan Reynolds humor to the screen):

It sort of makes sense why Canada (and fellow Canadian Steven Page of Barenaked Ladies) wrote a love song to him, especially after he won the Governor General's Art Award for his work, entrepreneurship, and activism. May we all follow in his environmental endeavors and carbon footprints!

Infographic created at credits on infographic, video from and

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