Monday, April 13, 2015

Noah Gru Challenges You to See Through His 6 Year Old Eyes & His 3 Minute White House Student Film Fest Video

I marvel at the fact that we are living in a world where currently 2 states (Florida and Wisconsin) have declared it null and void to mention the words "climate" and "change" together.  I'm not really sure, given our constitution and that "right to free speech" thing how that is even possible.  It is a subject that thoroughly makes me shake my head.  I'm so glad that by not mentioning it, people think it just seems to go away.  

Yes, Sheldon, that's sarcasm!  Ei yie yie yie yie!

Well luckily, all is not lost, and there is still vision and wisdom out in the world.  6 year old Noah Gru knows differently.

That's right, I said 6 years old!

Noah & his family submitted a 3 minute film to the White House Student Film Festival, for students grades K--12.  That film was one of the 15 chose to screen at the White House...with Noah being the youngest one in the bunch.  Here is his film, followed by the CBS news commentary clip on the same subject.

Out of the mouths of babes.  Way to go, Noah.  If a 6 year old can "get" it, why can't politicians and others?!  We need to take care of what we have, while we still have it.

To read more about it, check out Upworthy.

Big Bang pic of Sheldon, Leonard, & Sarcasm from

Obama image from

 Noah Gru's film from; News Video from CBS

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