And where do you do it? The Everglades. Duh!
Topics du jour:
- The new group of climate-deniers (no, that's not new, but there's that group that forbids the words "climate change" in Florida & Wisconsin. I still can't get passed that concept! What is up with that! Not saying the words doesn't make it go away, but I digress!)
- The magic window to get "nature under your skin," grab a "life long passion (for anything)," & "science in your blood & excited" is age 10. Do it by then, and you've got'em hooked!!
- Bill Nye's view on being a patriot. Obama's questions on why schools aren't more successful in getting kids excited about STEM topics: Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math.
To watch all 6 minutes of this brain trust, watch it below, or click here.
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