As the middle of May starts making its way to the end of the month, it's traditional for some super culminating trips to make their way into my 3rd Grade, Eagle Cove School calendar.
This week, as luck and the calendar would have it, two of our eco-favorite trips landed right back to back. Here's an iMovie musical montage of our class' pictures our from Tuesday's Oyster Release trip with Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Captain Foster & Miss Tiffany treated us to an educational day on the Magothy River. Like old friends, they come right up to the dock each year with their boat, The Maurguerite. From there, we take off on our floating classroom to return the oyster spat (that we have been raising all year) to the perfect spot in the river--one with the proper oxygen levels, clarity, salination, and more for our oysters to survive and thrive.
Every year, it ranks in my mind as "best trip ev-ah!" This year did not disappoint. It was made extra special and bittersweet as I was on the boat, thinking about this as being our last trip, given the school's closing this June. When you realize that something wonderful is going away, you take a little extra time to cherish it. That's what I did, midst idyllic weather on Tuesday, snapping pictures galore to lock it in. May the movie help my memory, and delight yours.
ECS Oyster Release on the Magothy River 5/20/2014 from Vicki Dabrowka on Vimeo.
Video created in iMovie, uploaded to Vimeo, using my snapshots of the day.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation logo from
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