Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Embrace "The Beauty of Different" This New Year

Recently, over at UpWorthy, I ran across this 3 minute video from The Beauty of Different.  (There's also a book out there by Karen Walrond with the same name.)

The message is largely for women (and girls!), yet I think it's applicable to just anyone.  The true message:  be you! Be true to you.  Love your life, and love the gifts & talents you have.  That's where confidence comes from.  We've all seen that person with "that glow."  They're all over this video... that glow of sublime happiness.  Of being happy and healthy and in love with your life.

My daughter debated with me that this video isn't "about being green." Technically, she's right.  But, it is about being amazing...and being amazing is about being healthy and happy and delighted by your own "effervescent charm."  And if that isn't environmentally-friendly, I don't know what is!

As we are sitting on the cusp of watching one year end, and another year begin, it seems like the perfect time to go forth and be amazing!!  Happy New Year!

Video from:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOz0DHoMsq8
Photo from https://scontent-a-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1544566_629192650473165_987668339_n.jpg

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