It's GTG hat-turning time, switching from "eco" to "edtech." Sometimes, they can be two sides of the same coin. This week, however (given it's Computer Science Education Week), it's heavy-handed on that edtech side. And kids nation wide are loving it!
Thousands of teachers nation-wide are doing the same.
If you haven't taken advantage of Hour of Code/Computer Science Education Week--it's not too late. Here are a number of resources that will assist you on this quest.
What is it?
The Hour of Code is a challenge to teachers/students to try computer science/programming for one hour.
- Computer Science Education Week: Dec 9--15, 2013
- On the CS Ed Week site, they have great Tutorials for Beginners
- “What Most Schools Don’t Teach” (aka Coding w/Coding Big Wigs like Mark Zuckerberg & Bill Gates 5:33 min film)
- “Code Stars--Short Film” (9:33 min film--some of the clips from the above video
- Common Sense Media’s “Hour of Code” Offers a Quick Easy Introduction to Computer Coding” --A multitude of resources here.
- Hour of Code Week Websites, Apps, Tutorials, Videos, & More “Smore” Collection
- Creators of the 2 above videos. Many of the same resources that are in
- So many good resources. So much coding that needs to happen. Jump on it!! Code!
Images from
2. Video from
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