--Concerned with the plight of people in Africa who have to travel great distances to get fresh (often not clean) water;
--More aware of the value (& sometimes scarcity) of this precious, wet resource of ours;
--Committed to such things as stopping the dripping faucet, taking shorter showers, or watching your water use while you brush your teeth;
--Finding yourself wondering how these few, little things can actually help.
That's where this infographic from The Pond Blog of Lochness Water Gardens can help bring about some insights when it comes to water usage for the planting and harvesting of some of your favorite foods.
So whether you switch from coffee to tea or from beef to pork to vegetarianism, there are some interesting and eye opening new options for things you can do to help conserve water... not just on World Water Day, but everyday. It shows you that little things do add up and each one of us can make a difference.
Infographic courtesy of: Loch Ness Water Gardens
Logo from http://www.unwater.org/water-cooperation-2013/home/en/
Logo from http://www.unwater.org/water-cooperation-2013/home/en/
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