I'm sporting my "Green Chic" t-shirt as March 17th is a good time to express both my eco-side and my Irish-lovin' side. Also, in the vein of recycling, I'm going to bring up some of my oldies but goodies and "greenies" from my GTG leprechaun days of yore.
Cheers to you and yours today, as your Irish eyes are smiling, while you're drinking a green beverage or two.
Sláinte--a collection of all things green (eco, Irish, and otherwise!)
Pre-St. Patty's Day--a link to 10 green initiatives to take for this leprechaun-lovin' day
The Wearing o'the Green--a bundle of ways to live green, eco-style
Living o'the Green--my family's St. Patty's Day 2010, decked in green and painting/installing our rain barrel
The March 2009 Green Team Gazette--where this blog started--as a monthly newsletter
Shamrock pic from http://mattjenny.deviantart.com/art/Shamrock-65577333; Rain barrel pic of our back yard from http://greenteamgazette.blogspot.com/2010/03/living-othe-green.html
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