Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Livin' Life in the Dojo

As I've mentioned before, as the year progresses, I'm trying out more and more finds in the edtech world.  At the DC EdCamp I attended in January, one discovery was Class Dojo.  Class Dojo is an online behavior management tool that's pretty darn cool.  My class loves it, and they are eager to earn "delights" and steer clear of any "dings."

As I was in the early stages of trying it out, I was in need of some tech assistance.  Email conversations led to some Skyping with one of the three head Class Dojo-ians.  Next thing you know, I was invited to be a guest blogger--you just never know where Skype may take you. 

That blog post posted on Monday!

To check out my "thumbs up" review of Class Dojo, check out my "Class Dojo Delights and Dings" post over on the Class Dojo blog site. 

To catch a sneak preview of how it starts, read on!

Class Dojo logo & pics from (The Positive and Negative behaviors are the ones I have designed and am using in my class). Class Dojo Acrostic written by me and posted on the Class Dojo Website.

1 comment :

  1. Hi Kalen from ClassDojo here. Thanks again for the amazing blog post Vicki!

    If anyone who comes across this post has any questions for us or needs help getting set up, please don't hesitate to reach out! - :)
