Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Saving the Planet, One Video Game at a Time

As I was writing about the draw of board games to activate environmental stewardship a bit ago, it got me thinking. We live in a digital world. What about video games?

No surprise...there's a wealth.

And there's some interesting science and articles behind it too, which can be found in these articles: 
  • Nico King's December 2020 article 20 Incredible Environmental Games from the Last Decade addresses the following topics: What are environmental games? What are the Different Types and Themes of Environmental Games? Why do we Play Environmental Games? List of 20 Environmental Games from 2010 - 2020, and How can Today's Video Games Help the Environment?
With the reach that the digital gaming industry has (1 in 3 people worldwide), it's no surprise that it serves as a venue to enlighten and inspire people about environmental issues.

One notable game is Playing 4 the Planet. It was launched in the fall of 2019 by the United Nations Environment Programme at the UN Secretary-General's Climate Action Summit. Playing 4 the Planet was an approach to heighten the awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals.  It is partnered with Games for Good, where the purpose is to create games with social change as central to the game.

Here is a list of other environmentally-themed video games. This list is by no means exhaustive, and no doubt more are coming all the time. Remember: not all games are kid friendly, so please do your research. Common Sense Media is a great place to do this.

ABZÛ -- Theme: Ocean Education

Alba: A Wildlife Adventure -- Themes: Environmental and Wildlife Education 

Anno 1800 -- Themes: Biodiversity and Climate Change

Beyond Blue -- Theme: Ecological Education

Bleached Az -- Themes: Ocean Pollution and Climate Change

Eco -- Themes: Conflict Resolution and Natural Resource Management

Fate of the World --Theme: Global Management

Fort McMoney -- Theme: Conflict Resolution

FutureCoast -- Themes: Climate Change and Climate Fiction

Get Water! -- Theme: Water Management

GreenSpace --Theme: Waste Management

Habitactics -- Theme: Wildlife Education

Horizon: Forbidden West -- Themes: Deforestation and Climate Change

Ice Flows -- Theme: Climate Change

Lumino City -- Theme: Renewable Energy

Morphy! -- Theme: Wildlife Education

Never Alone -- Themes: Cultural Awareness and Environmental Education

Niche -- Theme: Wildlife Education

Plasticity -- Themes: Waste Management and Recycling 

Save a Rhino -- Theme: Wildlife Conservation

Save the Park -- Theme: Environmental Education

Terra Nil -- Theme: Natural Resource Management

Working with Water -- Theme: Water Management

World Rescue -- Theme: Global Management

WWF Free Rivers -- Themes: Ecological and Geographical Education

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