Now I will say, for full disclosure, I do follow a lot of environmental organizations an Facebook, so it isn't a surprise I'd happen on these types of posts. But, I also follow news and other organizations too... along with edtech and educational groups. So I follow a lot about a lot. Given that, I was struck that there was far more on this one topic of environmentalism than usual.

As long as China was taking all our trash over the years, we could bury our head in the sand. Case and point: why have I been writing about the overabundance of pollution (among other things) for nearly 10 years? During all that time, there was no real headway. Now with onset of plastic bag bans, straw bans, and systems having to overhaul their recycling programs due to there being nowhere else for it to go, perhaps now... NOW is the time to make a positive move. For that, we should be both hopeful and thankful as it is long overdue!
To check our some of the articles that were poignantly striking me, check out my list below:
- People Magazine's "Internet Users Are Getting Their Hands Dirty with the #Trashtag Challenge: 'Way to Go, Humanity!'"

- Irish Examiner's Plastic Production is the Problem, and Not Plastic Waste
- Plastic Pollution Coalition's "157,000 Shipping Containers of U.S. Plastic Waste Exported to Countries with Poor Waste Management in 2018"
- Bored Panda's "Man Creates A Way To Reduce Plastic Packaging And 25 Famous Companies Join Him (Terracycle's Tom Szazy & his upcoming reuse innovation The Loop)
- Project Learning Tree's "10 Hands-On Science Projects To Teach About Pollution"
- National Geographic's "Is Burning Plastic Waste a Good Idea?"
- USA Today's "Foam Cups and Food Containers Could Be Banned in Maryland, Making It The First State To Do So" (Way to go, Maryland!!)
- HR Green's "Plogging – Where Jogging Meets Litter Pick-up" (and I have discussed Plogging in the past)
- The Grist 50 2019: Because The World Needs Fixers (many of whom are tackling the solution problem)
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