Halloween is in the thick of the autumnal season. The richness of the colors, the crispness of the leaves, the scampering of squirrels, and brightness of the pumpkins all shout out during this time of the year. That, combined with the spookiness of the wind in the trees, the candlelit jack-o'lanterns, some wind-blown ghosts....Halloween has a lot of natural elements to it.

Given that, it's the perfect time to go green this Halloween:
Green Halloween Logo from http://greenhalloween.org/content.php?page=helpout; Green Jack-o'lantern from http://blog.wayspa.com/how-to-have-a-green-halloween/; WWF pic from http://www.jumpintoabook.com/2013/10/weekend-links-halloween-prep-time/; GTG logo.
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