Monday, January 21, 2013

Inauguration Day 2013

There are certain times you feel it--the vastness, the importance.

Most certainly, I was struck with the sizeable impact of that moment today.  Watching the Presidential Inauguration here with my 2 children, I was struck with the magnitude of watching history in the making as it simultaneously accompanied the power of the historic past.  How can you not:

  • 150 years after the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation, 
  • 50 years after Martin Luther King, Jr's 1963 March on Washington,
  • ON the day we commemorate Martin Luther King here in the United States,
  • As our first African American president retakes the oath of office
  • With Medgar Evers' widow Myrlie giving the invocation,
  • Looking out on the panoramic vista of our Nation's Capital, with the flags billowing in the breeze, and the crowds filling the backdrop from Capital to Washington Monument...
How can you not feel the maginitude?

I feel today it surpasses political parties and the squabble of partisan politics.  This Inauguration (and all it represents) truly was an awe-filled, powerful moment for our country.  It brings the words of a century and a half of famous Americans, talking about freedom, equality, and the power to believe in what can be and what has become:  Abraham Lincoln, Civil Rights leaders such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Medgar Evers, and other activists.  Political debates on issues (and no doubt, subsequent name calling and partisanship) can come another day.  It is because of the journeys and decisions of people of our past, that we can hope for and believe in both our future and the future of our children.

For any Inauguration Day coverage you might have missed, start at CNN.

Video (& and excellent article) from

Martin Luther King Quote from :

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