Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New Year's, PlanetPals' Style!

happy new year palsPlanetPals always has a plethora of green offerings for young and old alike!!  New Year's is no different!  If you are looking to add a little green to your calendar-changing-eve festivities, or if you are looking to "darken your shade of green" by way of a few resolutions, here are some great resources.

PlanetPals "Green New Year's" Page:
From do-it-yourself noise makers, to world-wide crafts, to Chinese New Year (& our upcoming "Year of the Snake"), to ideas what to do with your outdated calendars, or even how to throw a greener party... find a slew of goodies here.

The Planet Pal "One a Day" Pledge:
There are lots of resolution ideas here, including the pledge below. This is a great way to help you or your cherubs do little things daily to add up to big things over all!

one a day pladgeDo one thing, big or small
Just be green, it helps us all.

A little thing, a thing a day
Can change the world,
In a great big way.

PlanetPals pics and pledge from

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