I structured one part of our reading activity around writing an "Eagle Poem." With this, I had my students imagine what it might be like, being an eagle. I wanted them to write from that perspective. The poem need not rhyme, but rather it started with beginning phrases such as "It sees... It hears... It feels... etc."
About the time we started talking about this in class, the sun started peeking through the January sky in a rather unseasonal way. In fact, the 50 degree weather was more than rare for a January. Given we have eagles on the island just across the Magothy River from us (and we have the name "Eagle" in our Eagle Cove School name), it seemed only right to go OUTSIDE and imagine what we might hear, see, feel, etc. With clipboards in hand, out we went. The rhyme-less poems my students created were down right amazing. Outside seemed to make all the difference!!
Looking out on the water, knowing an eagle or 2 live on the island across the adjacent river, the kids could imagine what it would feel like to personify an eagle flying overhead.
Based on the end product, my students clearly consulted their inner eagle, and were most certainly inspired by the great outdoors! Makes me completely love teaching... especially on a day like this!!
Fly, Eagle, Fly pic from http://www.amazon.com/Fly-Eagle-African-Tale/dp/0689823983; other pics from my camera!!
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