Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Christmas 2023: Christmas Cards

I haven't sent Christmas cards for years (with maybe the exception of a dozen to extended family I never see and who aren't on social media). With Facebook, Instagram, and the like, it seems like all my friends already know my life and what I've been up to. Sending a card almost seems redundant. It also became "one more thing" to an already busy season, and it was an easy cut for me to make in the digital era. 

Moreover, when you start adding in the expense of the cards and then the cost of the seems like an awful lot of money during an already expensive season.

Blogger, artist, author, and environmentalist Emily Ehlers (known as Eco with Em on Facebook and her website) summed it up perfectly in this poster she created. I saw it at the end of the holiday season last year, and tucked this away to share this year!

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