I was reading "Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto" by Tricia Hersey, and among the many poignangt lines in the book, this one particularly struck me:
It reminded me of a chapter in Annabel Streets' book "52 Ways To Walk" where she discusses getting lost...in a maze. Labyrinths to be specific. Actually, mazes and labyrinths are different, in that mazes have multiple paths that branch off, while a labyrinth is a continual path that leads to center. The purpose, while whenturies old, is to provide the purpose of contemplation, rest, and relaxation. A literal "walking to nowhere" and "somewhere" simultaneously.
As with everything these days, you can find a nearby labyrinth online. Go toLabyrinth Locator, and you have a portal for labyrinths worldwide. A simple search tool lets you hone in on where you are and how far you'd like to travel, and it will show you where the nearest one is in your radius.
Makes me want to locate one and transport there, then wander until I get lost. Until then....I'll just have to go on walkabout and get lost where I am.
Quote image created at Canva.com; screenshot from https://labyrinthlocator.com/home
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Labyrinth Locator
nature deficit disorder
outdoor education
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