Of the two sessions I co-taught this summer, one was "30 Cool Tools For Tech." It was a rapid-fire of really amazing edtech tools that are out there that teachers can use to help simplify their lives, their lessons, their presentations, and their assessments.
This PowToon resentation (which indeed was one of my favorites) was created to showcase my personal top 7 favorites. Below you'll see a list of 30+ tools (both websites and apps) you might want to check out to help put a new pep in your teaching step this year ahead!
Top 7 Personal EdTech Tools Summer 2017 from Vicki Dabrowka on Vimeo.
30+ Cool Tech Tools (in alphabetical order) to inspire you this fall:
- Adobe Spark: Create short videos with included content/images that is simple to use. Videos can't be downloaded separately from app (online or on app)
- Bookwidgets: Create widgets to be used for assessment, reviews, or assignments
- Buncee: Online presentation maker with animations
- Canva: Infographic and poster creator
- Constitute Project: Explore world constitutions and compare side by side based on search term.
- EdPuzzle: Upload videos and add questions, comments, audio tracks (Formerly Zaption)
- Educreations: Screencasting/whiteboard app
- Explain Everything: Screencasting/whiteboard app that has a collaboration tool
- Flipgrid: A video platform where students can create mini movies to "show what they know"
- Google Arts and Culture: Site with interactive exhibits and art museums. Capable of zooming into some art with incredible closeness
- Google Street View: Go on virtual field trips through Google's 360 degree photo technology
- Human 3.0: Online study of human anatomy
- Kiosko: Displays the front pages of newspapers from around the world
- Motivational Poster: Create motivational-style posters on iPads with images, headlines, and sentence summaries
- Newsela: News site where reading levels can be differentiated. Online or printable activities/quizzes available
- Nearpod: Create/upload slideshow and add interactive slides to engage students on their own devices
- Padlet: Online discussion board for comments/note taking/KWLs and more
- Pixabay: Free photos that are both Creative Commons and safe to use without asking permission
- Plickers: Makes classes interactive with quizzing/surveys with a smart device and printable cards
- Popplet (lite): Concept mapping
- PowToon: Online presentation maker with animations
- QR Code Generator: Creates QR codes easily, download to jpg to print
- Quizlet: Create flashcards for review and study
- Safeshare TV: Past the url of any YouTube video in to watch with no adds or pop ups to avoid the distraction
- Screencast-o-matic: Easy screencasting
- Scrible: Annotate and save webpages
- Seesaw: Digital Portfolio platform that is easy to use, for ages PK and up
- Socrative: Create real time surveys, quizzes, and more. Online or on app (teacher app separate from student app)
- Soundcloud: Allows users to create, share, store audio files. Others can listen and comment on them as an audio social media
- Sutori: Create online timelines (not printable)
- Symbaloo: Create (or search for) "webmixes" filled with tiles for easy access to a variety of websites you program in
- Tagul: Word cloud creator
- TeacherTube: "Safe" version of YouTube, created specifically for teachers
- Thinglink: Add hotspots to images with videos, texts, ect
- Timeline from Read Write Think: Create simple timelines on app or on their site. Site has lesson plans and a variety of other online interactive graphic organizers.
- Wordflex Dictionary: Online (or app) visual interactive dictionary
PowToons from https://www.powtoon.com/online-presentation/dFXReLRBhUP/?mode=movie#/; Image from http://blog.whooosreading.org/13-new-edtech-tools-to-boost-engagement-2016/
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