Who's Buzz, you're wondering? Buzz is the name of the bee on the Honey Nut Cheerios box. And he's visibly absent! On purpose.
In part of General Mill's Honey Nut Cheerios new awareness & marketing campaign, Buzz is not a smiling feature on boxes in Canada. #BringBackTheBees and the missing Buzz are to bring awareness to the plight of the pollinator. Bees are vital to many food sources, and they too seem to be disappearing. There's a cure for that--planting flowers that bees love! It really is that simple!
Here's their powerful video about how our buzzing friends need our help.
But wait...there's more:

Another company is reporting a case of a missing person. Er, well...not person, but actually some missing letters to highlight the same plight. Burt's Bee are missing their "B's!" As they said, it's "A _ig idea from _urt's _ees!" Add in, they are challenging all to take to social media and share out posts with more missing b's along with the same #BringBackTheBees.
It's exciting to see 2 companies take dramatic marketing moves in order to make a difference. Wouldn't it be exciting if more companies did the same thing. For the bees and other ways to bring about a better, healthier planet!
Here are 2 infographics that will help you see how vital bees are to us, and how we can do something vital for them!
Honey Nut Cheerios video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fbMQUVYuRQ; Burt's Bee's video from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L_VSb9rJ_0; plants for bees pic from https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cdj26z3UEAAiJTZ.jpg; Honey Nut Cheerios pic from http://brandchannel.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/honey-nut-cheerios-bring-back-the-bees-600.jpg; food from bees pic from https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CdjNHTJW4AAAqWs.jpg; Burt's Bees pic from https://www.thecloroxcompany.com/corporate-responsibility/blog/bringbackthebees/
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