You say "turtle," I say "chelonian" (which sounds remarkably like "colonian").
I don't, but I could. Especially on World Turtle Day: May 23rd annually.
World Turtle Day originally hatched in 2000 by the American Tortoise Rescue (which itself began in 1990). Given that turtles and tortoises have a number of threats--mostly human instigated--raising awareness is always a good thing. Threats include:
- exotic food trade
- illegal pet trade
- habitat destruction
- climate change
- bycatch from fisheries
- consumption of marine debris
According to NOAA, all seven world species of sea turtles are threatened or endangered.
To enhance your inside information about turtles & tortoises:
1. Watch this 2 and a half minute video from The Guardian.
2. Read a good turtle book. My favorite? Turtles in My Sandbox, by Jennifer Keats Curtis. You will find some engaging activities to go along with this book from the publisher Sylvan Dell
3. Check out to learn more about animals of any species--especially if you are curious about their conservation status (vulnerable, critical, or endangered). Here with these links, you are a mere click away from creating your own archive of chelonian knowledge at ARKive:
4. For Lesson Plans, World Turtle Day or any other day, check out the following links:
-World Turtle Day Photos from
-Chelonian definition a screenshot from
-Video from
2. Read a good turtle book. My favorite? Turtles in My Sandbox, by Jennifer Keats Curtis. You will find some engaging activities to go along with this book from the publisher Sylvan Dell
3. Check out to learn more about animals of any species--especially if you are curious about their conservation status (vulnerable, critical, or endangered). Here with these links, you are a mere click away from creating your own archive of chelonian knowledge at ARKive:
4. For Lesson Plans, World Turtle Day or any other day, check out the following links:
- From the Sea Turtle Conservancy, developed by Cathy Payne for Elementary Students
- A multitude of lessons for many ages from Sea Turtle Inc.
- Many Teacher Resource links at Save the Turtles.
-World Turtle Day Photos from
-Chelonian definition a screenshot from
-Video from
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