Note: In an attempt to meld my pursuits of green, education, and technology, "GET" and this ABC series did my twitter thread #GETABC. To see the inception of #GETABC and give yourself a tidbit of background, go to GTG's True Confessions & Whirling Dervishes.
Well, A is for Apps...
Specifically, Apps for the Environment!
They abound. They amuse. They definitely can make learning attractive, and we admire how they can awaken our approach to learning. We appreciate and accept that they're here to stay, and that they have a lot of allure and appeal for some learners.
There are tons of apps out there for smartphones and iPads out there for everything, so of course it goes without saying that they're there for the environmental world too.
Thanks now to the EPA, there's an active hunt for the newest app. In a call to software developers called "Apps for the Environment," the EPA is urging them to come up with create apps that utilize the government's environmental data to help "Joe and Jane Citizen." On their website, not only do they have links to their data, but they also have their existing eco-apps, and their list of ideas for new apps. The challenge runs through Sept, 16th, 2011.
Check out the video here to learn more about "Apps for the Environment."
To learn more, take on the challenge, or even just leave ideas for what you hope developers will create, go to or
A is also for A Lot More Apps:
"9 Green iPad Aps"s from Huffington Post ~
Featuring the following apps: Solar Panel Advisor, iBooks, iGrowit, Maya Sprocket, Sound Paper, Off Remote, Instapaper, Control4, and Diner Dash: Grilling Green (a game to encourage healthier eating)
"7 Cool Green iPhone Apps" from Practical Environmentalist ~
Featuring" Find Green, Carbon Calc, Green Book Lite, Eco Finder, Treehugger, Good Guide, GreenPeace Tissue Guide, and The Power of Green
"10 Climate Science Apps for the iPhone & iPad" from Planetsave ~
Featuring: EarthObserver, Skeptical Science, Climate Counts, Climate Wise Pro, DriveAlternatives, Arctic Watch, Drought Monitor, Vestas Monitor, RadarScope, and Climate Mobile
"5 iPhone Apps for Green Environment Education" from Comptalks ~
Featuring: Three Trees, Let's Go Chipper, Sally the Salmon, Chipper in the Parks, Bruce the Slug
And a few environmental education finds of my own (though no, I haven't tried them out) for iPads & iPhones ~ check out the app store at http:// for
-iEcology XL
-Marine Debris Tracker
-Happy Planet
-The Hidden Park
-Environmental Educator
-Environmental Dictionary
-Green News Reader
-World Oil Spill Locator
-Eco Innovators Sustainability Quiz
-Green Dictionary
-and of course, Google Earth!
Images from,, and
Note: The EPA website was running on diminished capacity during the weekend of July 1st--4th, 2011 for scheduled maintenance, which is when I posted this... so the "Apps For Education" website might come up with an apology notice saying all of the applications might not be available. According to the website, it is due to be fully operational July 4th at 8 am, EST.
Thanks for the compliments! I think it's great that you are blogging as a teenager--writing is an excellent expression of feelings and helps to work things out. The teenage years can be tricky sometimes, but always remember that every day you are learning so many different things about life--even the hard days. Years from now it will all make better sense to you, and you'll see meaning where perhaps you can't now. Sending my best to you for loads of future success!! ~Vicki @ GTG