My daughter likes to count the dogs she sees. One time when we were out and about, we got to a record sixteen.
This morning as I em"bark"ed on a 5-mile walk (training for my Susan G. Komen 3 Day Walk for Breast Cancer this fall), I decided to follow in my daughter's footsteps. I counted. In the shadow of this past week's Earth Day, I decided to count the number of pieces of trash I saw on the way. After a mere 5 minutes, I was well over counting 100 pieces.
Hmmm, given my walking pace is decent but not "Speed Racer's," I decided it'd be a pretty depressing walk if I continued this way. Especially on a gloriously beautiful Easter morning. Especially as I was walking without a bag and the ability to do anything about it.
So instead I decided to admire and be in awe at the scenery. Gaze at the cherry blossoms. The daffodils. The dogwood. The violets. The scampering squirrels. The darting, singing birds. The vernal pools. The sights. It was an amazing spring morning (one of the nicest so far), and it should be celebrated. Not the morning to wallow in negativity.
It reminded me of the Edward Abbey quote to go out and enjoy what you work so hard for:
It is not enough to fight for the land; it is even more important to enjoy it. While you can. While it’s still here. So get out there and hunt and fish and mess around with your friends, ramble out yonder and explore the forests, climb the mountains, bag the peaks, run the rivers, breathe deep of that yet sweet and lucid air, sit quietly for a while and contemplate the precious stillness, the lovely, mysterious, and awesome space.""Hoppy" Easter...Happy Spring...Happy Earth Day Week.
It was the exact kind of thing, of course, that makes you think a little bit about Easter and the beauty of spring. THAT is something to count on...that, and perhaps plans for a neighborhood clean up later on.
Image from
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