Created by Federica Fragapane (whose entire gallery can be found here). A little bit more digging and I discovered that this visualization goes with Scientific American's February 1st, 20224 article "Visualizing Climate Disasters' Surprising Cascading Effects" by Lori Youmshajekian & Federica Fragapane.
Just like a stone thrown in the water creates a myriad of ripples that go out from the inner circle, this graphic shows the ripple effects that happen with climate change-related disasters. It becomes an extensive and interrelated dot-to-dot. Some of those outer rings of dots connect to surprising effects that one wouldn't suspect like allergies, food insecurity, skin infections, mental health issues, malnutrition and more.
Everything is connected. Given that, we need to use our connections to make sure to live better. We need to use our human connections to collectively make our planet a better place, and help protect it from the climate hazards that could be ahead if our planet keeps heating up.
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