Saturday, April 20, 2019

Happy Earth Day

Jane Goodall always strikes me as the Mother of Earth Day. Perhaps it stems from her having an April birthday, and seeing her years ago right around Earth Day. Her dedication to our planet throughout the course of her lifetime adds to this as well, I'm sure.

In honor of Earth Day Monday, take 6 minutes out of your day to watch this, to be inspired to do something for our big beautiful world.

Here are some ideas below if you need a little help getting started this weekend being an environmental steward. Take a friend or your with you!

🌎 Unplug from those devices and do something outside.
🌎 Plan a picnic, a bike ride, a hike, a walk in the park, or time outdoors in. your 
        own backyard!
🌎 Clean a stream, a park, or a community area.
🌎 Shop at a local market, bring your own bag, or don't go shopping at all to use 
        less resources.
🌎 Plant a tree, plant a garden, plant a seed of hope!
🌎 Visit an outdoor festival or an Earth Day event.
🌎 Pass on the plastic bag, the plastic straw, the plastic cups, and plastic utensils.
🌎 Step up your recycling, composting, water usage, or home energy reduction 
🌎 Educate yourself or others, write letters to your leaders, make posters for 
        your neighborhood, or share forward eco facts on your social media.
🌎 Volunteer to help out an environmental organization, a community service, or 
        your neighbors.
🌎 Donate to an environmental cause that you believe in.

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